A couple of cats


Aug 25, 2003
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Thought I'd share a couple of photos of two of my catfish. Feel free to guess what they are. ;) Seriously, I only know their family, I'd be happy if someone could identify them. I have a feeling they might both be hybrids though, so species ID might not be possible. Still, they're very cute fishies with fun personalities. :)

Here's the first one, Mörkö (translates freely to... boogyman, I suppose). He/she is a bristlenose, Ancistrus sp. Only 5 cm (2 in) now, but will grow quickly judging by the amount of zucchini consumed. ;)


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Dwarfs wins! He's indeed a whiptail, possibly a hybrid Hemiloricaria sp. "Red" X Hemiloricaria lanceolata. This is my guess, since he has the markings of the lanceolata, but is more red in color. There's few photos of the whole fish, Salem, here (back when I didn't know the right name for them in English ;)).

Angry_Platy, I haven't seen any bristles on the bnose yet. Wasn't sure if that's because the fish is female or just too young still. Do you know when they usually start to develop bristles?
That first one is definately a bristlenose. The fact that it doesn't have bristle could be beacuse it's too young and female or it's one of the ancistrus species that doesn't have bristles on the females at all.

I'd go with a young female. How big is she?
She's a little over 2 inches now. I only got her about a month ago.
i should it looked like a gold nugget pleco! :*)

shows how much i know :D .

Hehee, I suppose there is a bit of the same look there. ;)

After some extensive browsing and book-checking I've settled for Ancistrus sp. cf. temminckii. Seems to me that's a s close as I'll ever get to determining the species. Oh well, close enough for me. ;)

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