28 gallon Bowfront

Looking good Michael :) :cool: Saltwater is so interesting to look at...

Your plan to get porous rock to start off with sounds like something for me to note down later so I can steal it.

nice tank!!

can't wait to see it finished
memnon :cool:

After I added ten more pounds of live rock, and another soft coral, I immediately did a 25% water change while the heater brought the temperature up to 78 degrees. During this time, after verifying my ammonia and nitrate levels, I was acclimatizing two 'green coral gobies,' a species that is extremely hardy and while not as attractive as the mandarin gobies, still quite pretty...and more suitable for my tank. Of course as of right now they are hiding.


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sorry for the crap picture, this guy thought he was hidden at the back of the tank. This is a green coral goby, about an inch long.


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No, no background, I really am not partial to them. :)

better pic, still not great, of the second goby:


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Thanks for the kind words, folks. Its a 28 gallon bowfront tank, the substrate is a mix of sterile playsand (silica based) and for calcium I added not-quite-crushed coral to the tank, and about 2 cups to the aquaclear. I added a azoo 7200k compact flourescent to the aquaclear to encourage coraline growth on the coral shrapnel.


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this is really cool keep it up please my mom took one look at the 29 gallon tropical i set up for my gf and she decided she wanted a huge saltwater tank. I'm trying to talk her out of the saltwater thing for a first tank but she seems to have her heart set on it. I am trying to talk her into setting up a bigger version of the tank i have posted on here. It takes no heat and the fish aren't 40+ bucks a pop. =) It looks really good so far btw. And I agree with you on the no background thing.
This shows just how well a bright green and red fish can hide...this is the first time I have seen this particular goby since the day I put it in:


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April 14th:

Ok, error. I bought two neon gobies. At least thats what the tank said. I was looking for neon gobies to help control future outbreaks of marine ich. These are not neon gobies, and they require expert care.

On a positive note, these Cleaner Wrasses will do the same job, they just get a little bigger at 2-3 inches. So, long story short....I believed the label, and the label was wrong, so now I have my work cut out for me.


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