Pics Of My Loaches!


May 18, 2003
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Canada, Ontario
More pics! Only these are of my loaches in a differn't tank! I hope you like these ones, it's my first time get a pic of them that arn't very blurry! Oh yeah, same goes as my Angels pls don't post till my last pic.

I'll start off with the Group Shot!


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Hmmm, I guess I'll start of with my Kuhlis!

Here's the only pic I have of my kuhlis! Ahh wait just noticed myred tailed zebra loach is in it to! Guess I don't have a single pic!


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Time for amother one of my Kuhli And Red Tailed Zebra Loach together!


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My last pic of my loaches! I hope you like it, and feel free to post replies now!


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your pics have really improved. If I may make a few suggestions as to getting great quality pics (or at least the best your camaera will give). when snapping fish shots I leave the tank light on and kill all of the other lights in the house, sometimes this i not enough light at whicj point I turn on an over head flouresent about 10 feet away from the tank. this will give just enough outside light for the camera to allow focus (when I hold the button down halfway, my camera will get a little green dot after focusing if there is enough light, or a little red dot if not enough light)

sorry to have rambled. I love your loaches :wub: I can't find khulies here or I'd have a few, but do have 2 red taild zebras (cheech and chong).
My camera does the same thing with the little light, never noticed it before but I jsu ttried and yeah it happens to, I think it needs lots of klight though cause it was pretty light and it was red when i had it in a little shadow then i left the shadow and it was green. I'll practise again tonight though.
sorry, never used that one, or I would give you some more tips, try what I listed above, it may have great results for you, It did for me!!! but every model camera is different.
nice pics! :) i like the loaches

it is a bit difficult to get proper lighting. the pics have a tendency to turn out dark. i usually change the aperture setting to allow more light.

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