

Fish Fanatic
Sep 22, 2003
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Golden Colorado
One of my two ferrets, Saki had a small raised bump on her foot. Apparently, it was a form of skin tumor, but the vet says it's not serious. Anyways, tomorrow, she's spending the day at the vet to have it removed, then she should be home by night. :D Little man Nero is going to be alone all day....Anyone else ever had a ferret with a similar situation?
I've never had a ferret but I've heard of several ferrets getting tumors. I've always wanted one. Unfortunately I have two cats that would probably torment it so that wouldn't be a good idea. I hope your little ferret gets better and I would love to see some pictures of it if you have any. I think they are the cutest little things :wub:
How are ferrets? Could you talk about them or u could just PM me. I would realy love to get one or two, but unless i could persway my parents, its a no go for now, until im livin on my own.

SOrry to hear bout his poor old foot, but sounds like he is gunna be alright! :flex:
Awwww I hope she heels well :nod:

When we had ferrets (about 6-7, long time ago, can't remeber)( my hubby's fav )albino named Little Boy had a cancerous tumour growing out of his ear.
Well, we found a vet that was willing to cut it out, but warned us that this was a tempourary (sp?) fix, and that it probably would return. But this surgery would enable another year to his life. Even with the tumour in his ear, he would eat my cereal if I ever left it on the table and left for a min :shifty: .
He did end up dying a year and a half later :-( , from the cancerous tumour that returned. We did make him the baby of the house and absoultely spoiled him when ever we got the chance (ie, taking showers with me daily and letting have his bowl of cereal in the morning and some tea (with lots of milk) in the evening)
He was such a little character.
We had him cremated and he sits in a little wooden container (had made for him, which cost more than the ferret) looking over the livng room, which he loved to do the best.

I feel if you can do something to help your "furry family" to have more time with us, and you can financially do it, then it is an honour to have them in your life.
Ferrets make good pets for those who are willing to take the time to care for them.
Tumors and cancer are very common in ferrets. Particularly adrenal cancer, for whatever reason. My ferret Luna has that. Luckily, it is slow progressing so he's still fairing well. One of the girls I worked with at the vet clinic had a ferret with a HUGE belly mass; it was benign, but it was so big that it was pressing on his stomach and intestines. It had to be about the size of a tennis ball, but more oval. :crazy:

Hope your ferret pulls through the surgery and makes a quick recovery! Surgery on the foot shouldn't be so bad. :thumbs:
Well, she's fine it seems...but apparently she was quite a handful for the vet. She's always been very feisty. The vet decided to do us a favor by cutting her nails, when we told him about the ordeal we go through ( two people and a lot of ferret treats). Being the sweetie pie she is, she's not about to let people mess with her toes. He said he had to keep her under anesthesia a little longer than the actual surgery to get the job done.

Strange ferret.....


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It is so pretty. I have three ferrets now. I did have four and one of them got outside on me and I never could find here again. I went to the pet store and got me a baby ferret which I love dearly. :wub: :wub: I would have a house full of ferrets if I could afford them. they are around 200.00 bucks here in Ky. I am glad everything went ok for your ferret.... :D :cool: :cool:

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