A few new pics

The October FOTM Contest Poll is open!
FishForums.net Fish of the Month
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Synodontis soloni


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shimanocono said:
I was just about to post the same question :p How big is the tank? IIt must be fairly big, also I nomianted your shovelnose for FOTM on the nomination page and also stated "someone also nominated her bala"
I think you meant "his" bala :lol: :p

The tank is a 75 gallon but even that is getting a little small now,they will be going into a 175 gallon (200 US) later this year (well when ive got enough money for it anyway)

Thanks for nominating the shovelnose but i dont expect him to get far,not pretty enough for most peoples tastes,the same goes for the balas,not enough bright colours.

Small balas would be OK in a 37g as long as you had plans to upgrade in size within 18 months,once full grown these fish need a minimum of 100 gallons IMO but the usual recomended size is 75g.
I know a guy who has a bala shark in his 29 gallon (same width as my 37g i believe - 30 inches) and it's getting too big for the tank. it's always getting spooked and running into stuff. he gets pretty banged up sometimes. If my tank was wider i'd adopt him. But he'd have the same problem in mine as he does in that 29g. oh well.

someday i'll put together a 180gallon bala tank! :D (how many could i put in a 180 gallon? i'm just curious)

- kip
Could easily get away with 8 in a 180 gallon,more with very good filtration.

Its a shame when they bash themselves up,two of mine are fish that were returned to the lfs and both were pretty beaten up with white patches on their noses,its taken a few months for them to fade but teyre looking much healthier now.
Do your bala sharks get spooked easily too? I wondered if it was just a trait of their species, or if it was my friend's bala's personality in particular.

- kip
As they grow they do become quite skitish but keeping them larger groups helps calm them down a bit.I have to be careful not to move too quickly when doing water changes or any tank maintainance because they attempt to jump out of the tank when frightened,did have six once but one jumped out when my back was turned and by the time i noticed it was too late :-(
here is the shovel nose blown up, I think CFC is gonig to e-mail me an unedited versio to touch up and post then I will replace this one

edit: pic replaced


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I had a tiger barilius jump out of the tank recently. He hit the carpet. i got him up as quick as i could and back into the tank. I ran to the store. by the time i came back he was all messed up. couldn't swim straight. he was flipping upside down and stuff. he was sick with columnaris to begin with. as you can imagine he was all banged up. :(
Thanks for all the nominations guys and Tanked a big thankyou gor sharpening the pics up :thumbs: but if you dont mind id rather the pics werent entered into the comps,plain looking fish like the balas and shovelnose just dont compete well against the more sparkley fish,persomally i preffer them but beauty is in the eye of the beholder and most people preffer the bright pretty ones.
cat fish crazy said:
Four of my five balas
How do they get on?

I had 2 in a community tank and had to return one as it was bulying the other (slightly smaller) bala, especially at dinner time!
nice fishes! how big is your tank, CFC?

edit:sorry, my question has been answered, didnt rad the whole posts, sorry...

Anyways, i have 2 balas in my 75 gallon, and arent as skittish, yet, they actually come up to me, esp at feeding time, i dunno if its because they are still young(just got them 2 months ago) or is it just thier personality.
those fish are beautiful my balas are just about that big they grow fast when they finally do take off I wish I had my camera I would love to show you guys mine I have bought 2 digital cameras and someone has stole them both I could catch them and set them in front of my computer and show you guys them that way but that is just a thought.
njparton said:
How do they get on?

I had 2 in a community tank and had to return one as it was bulying the other (slightly smaller) bala, especially at dinner time!
Thats why with any shoaling fish it is best to always buy at least 3 fish,fish like balas have pecking orders where the largest fish keeps all the others in check,if there is only two fish then all the attention is focused on the one fish so it becomes bullying,if you have the room then you should get at least another 2 balas,keeping one alone is cruel,but remember they get to around 13" when full grown so will need a tank of at least 75 gallons.

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