For the moment, I have my new Betta's in my 2.5 gallon take with the divider in it... I put my live plant in there along with some silk ones, but they are still flaring at each other alot.
Does them flaring all the time harm them? I am planning on either getting another tank this weekend or getting some aquarium sealent and adding some rocks to the divider, but just curious if they are OK for the next few days.
Thanks! ooooHHH, and here is a picture of my other boy from wuvmybetta, he is a crownie I think!
Does them flaring all the time harm them? I am planning on either getting another tank this weekend or getting some aquarium sealent and adding some rocks to the divider, but just curious if they are OK for the next few days.
Thanks! ooooHHH, and here is a picture of my other boy from wuvmybetta, he is a crownie I think!