Little mo will be happy to find out that all threats to him have been removed from his tank, which he will return to this weekend (Gudgeons heal pretty fast)
Nice keyhole, get him a mate. I have had a pair for a while now in my big community and saw no action I changed it from gravel to sand last week and already they have prepared a site and are defending it And I thought I had accidentaly got two males as they were so unfriendly to each other.
Thanks, I got this keyhole with my plans for a 30g peacock gudgeon tank (sand) in mind I'm pretty sure this guys a male, he has really nice finnage, long and pointy My dad may be going out soon to pick up some female cockatoo apistos, if I don't go with him I'll tell him to keep his eyes peeled A female would make this guy happy , he thought he was a sev actually, so maybe another keyhole will set him straight