New Plants!

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Fish Gatherer
Dec 6, 2003
Reaction score
Southern Ontario, Canada
Just got back from the fish store and got 2 new plants... I can't wait until I get some more and really get this tank looking great. I really want a nicely planted tank. :)

Anubias Lanceolata

and Cryptocoryne Undulata
Very nice! I'm jealous-my lfs doesn't even stock live plants. They say they do in the spring/summer so we'll see.
Thanks for the coments. I'm starting to wish I had bought a few more of the anubias. They had 5 more, but I dont like buying too many at once in case they dont like my tank.
i have a question about anubias species of plants ? do you have to plant the er.. plant with its rhizome above the substrate ? or does it only apply to certain species of anubias ?
this one doesnt have a rhimzone yet... its just the bulb. it hasnt started creeping yet. But apparently you do need to watch out for it
kenneth_kpe said:
do you have to plant the er.. plant with its rhizome above the substrate ? or does it only apply to certain species of anubias ?
Do not plant the rhizome and yes it applies to all species of Anubias.
Maybe I don't know what it rhimzone is. My plant has a bulb (like the onion plant thinger) with about 3 thick roots coming off. There are 5 leaves coming off the bulb. What exactly is the rhimzome?
The "bulb" is the rhizome. If it's buried it will eventually rot away.
It's the bulb-y part just above the roots. Just put the roots only in the substrate and the rest just pretty much sits on top. Every time I look at my anubias (nana) I feel like it's not secure in there but it seems to be doing well.


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