my 3 boys...

The October FOTM Contest Poll is open! Fish of the Month
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Thanks! :wub: no zoom on this thing, it's one of those little web cams that you can get for around $40 so it's really simple
I have searched and searched the web looking for an id on this eel so if anybody recognizes him please let me know, he'll more than likely end up with his own tank someday, but he's really gentle (unless your a ghost shrimp :lol: )
he'll even swim into your palm if you just hold your hand out while messing around in the tank
it looks like it may be one of the various species dubbed "Tire-Track" eels. I have one that is almost black with beautiful tan markings the contrast is wonderful. They are considered to be ok in a "community" setting, so long as the fish aren't small enough to fit in their mouth. They to get to like 1 1/2 feet long, so you may be getting a much larger tank in your future.

P.S.- Just a tip. I found a great way to feed them. I put some frozen brine shrimp in the bubble of a turkey baster that has the tip cut off to where the eel can enter it, and I place the whole thing in the tank, after defrosting in tank water of course.
Thanks you guys :wub:
that's a good idea cf....he is difficult to feed, he does eat the smaller ghost shrimp but he doesn't even bother the large ones, right now all I can get him to eat are live brine shrimp, which luckily my lfs keeps on hand at all times
I just went to the lfs a few minutes ago and we were searching through his big book of fish and we decided that he's either a tire track OR a tanganyika eel, he really was closer to the tang eel pic then any other and my compressiceps doesn't mind him at all, so whatever he is she seems to think he's from her neck of the woods ;)
Thanks William, that does look close to the markins usually vary from eel to eel? I haven't found the picyet that makes me say that's him to a T

here's one more pic of him


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and 2 more of my compressiceps (just cause I love her so much) :wub:
she is missing one eye...she was like that when I purchased her, in a tank FULL of cichlids , she sat there motionless watching them all zoom by her ,so now she has all the authority of this tank :wub:
it's funny to watch her, the way she'll swim on her side scanning the whole tank from above, and when I add new rocks or plants she's the 1st to investigate and learn her new surroundings, or when there's food she'll spin in circles to see if there's any on the other side of her,she's so clever :D


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and her blind side...


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Beautiful tanks and beautiful fish, wuv, that little dude betta is absolutely stunning!! :hyper: :hyper: and your tanks look very attractive -- hard to make out the details, but they look interesting all the same. :D
Thanks ,he's a beauty :wub: , but he has a problem with his constant flaring :rolleyes:

Look at Candy Cane Boy's bubble nest that he built last night!
I want to breed him now...I just love his markings and I'm so curious what his babes would look like.....I think that his iradescent finnage leads him to believe that his reflection is a female :unsure:

(the bubbles are hard to see, but they're all along the top of his tank where the light is highlighting them)


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