Why is it that when one guy dies


Fish Fanatic
Aug 20, 2004
Reaction score
Long Island, New York
:/ I just recently lost my oldest guy. He bloated up but never did pine cone and was very active right up to within a few hours of his death. Now the guy that I bought with him - in another tank several tanks away - seems to be giving off signs that he's not long for this world. This second fish has had swiming problems since I got him. He's very small for the amount of fin area that he carries and has always struggled to get up for air. He's always been a good eater but it would exhaust him. His tank mate is mister happy go lucky and having a good time so I don't think it's anything in the tank. The same with the other tank mate. Active, fins open, eating and both have been tank mates for several months.

This is the second two that this has happened to. I know with the first pair that the remaining one missed his buddy. Within two weeks he was gone with something entirely different. It was almost as if he went thru a morning period.

It also makes me wonder about the Plakats. Are they generally healthier than the deltas, CT's?


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Aww, i'm sorry to hear about your loss. :(

Maybe it is mourning again? Bettas are strange in pairs sometimes.
It also makes me wonder about the Plakats. Are they generally healthier than the deltas, CT's?

I don't know about healtier, but the swim faster and are more "agile". When my halfmoon sifts the gravel for fodo he sits on the bottom and huntsfor food with his head the same way a lizard might. When my plakat does the same thing he goes from the "_" position to "|" position (like standing on his head).

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