My New Rio 180 Tank

Pic.15 Last one for now. My 2 Leopard Corys.


  • Pic_15_2005_01_09.jpg
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:rofl: Cheers Fufanu360, didn't use any smilies just for you.

:flowers: Only one problem Littlefishie, If ya steal the tank, I come with it. :lol: .
Yes I do use Co2. If ya go to page 2 of the thread, about two-thirds down is the full tank speck.
Many thanks for the kind comments. :cool:
Littlefishie, just seen your edit. The red plants are Alternanthera Reineckii and also Red Tiger lotus.
Regards John.
wow, that is an awesome looking tank, i can only hope to have one that looks as well sometime. i guess i need to try the diy co2 sometime.
Longhorn forget the DIY Co2, get the Real McCoy. Ya can't beat Pressurised Co2, Ultimate control, BPM an all that. I'm doing 80 bpm, when I do a trim of the plants I pull it back to 60bpm for a couple of days (2 or3 days), then bump it back up again. The trouble with Half measures is ya get Half results. With a proper Co2 set up you can turn it off at night, plants don't use it at night. Mines on a timer along with my lights, Comes on and off with the front pair of lights, 15 minutes later my second pair come on.
Regards John.
:D :lol: :wub: :flowers: ;)
DivaSkyChick, Best offer I've had in years :lol: , Shame about the "Pond" between us :lol:
Regards John.

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