Let's see.... I am getting a twisted yingyang tattoo between my shoulders on the uper back. Thats a deffinate tattoo in a week, my mother is taking me can't wait! On my wrists, I'm not sure if i want any there but on my lower stomach I will also get to tribal skulls I'll try finding a pic later.
i like the picture you posted (the first one, drawing thing) have you thought about tattooes for a long time or have you just wanted one in the past week coz id advice not rushing it
I prefer NOT to get tattoos "off the wall" (meaning the exact art the the artist has on display). I think it is better to personalize with more than just a color change. Any artist will draw a new one for you if you tell them/show them what types of things you like. The only time I found copying a tattoo acceptable was when my hubby's brother passed away (cancer at 23 years old) he and the bro's best friend both got his tattoo (an origonal) on themselves as a sort of "memorial".