My new fish tank


Fish Fanatic
Dec 28, 2004
Reaction score
East anglia
This is my first tropical fish tank, all fish are happy (day 4) :D
I will have to add these pics bit by bit because i dont know how to join them as one file.


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and another,only a few more


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I forgot to mention they can go in and out of their rock,its big inside and one female loves going in there,could she be pregnant?.
If you have males in the tank, then there is a 99% chance she could be pregnant :lol:

If the female's tummy looks big and kind of square, more then likely she is pregnant :)
i must watch out for fry then,ive just sucked the gravel in the tank, i hope and pray i never sucked any up.I did check the water i took out but i could'nt see any,how small will they be? and would they be likely to be in the cave,i didnt suck the gravel in the cave.
The fry know from instinct that they must hide so as not to be devoured by their parents so they'll be hiding wherever they can. Don't worry much about the fry. Enough will survive I can assure you. You already have enough fish there anyway so if they get eaten it's actualy for the best. If your female is pregnant it will become obvious. She will look like she is about to burst and will likely behave differently than normal. You'll also probably notice a 'gravid spot' appearing. This is a dark to black spot that shows as the fry develop inside the female. It will be between the anal fin and ventral fins and slightly higher up. You'll see what I mean when the fish become pregnant :)

40 litres is about 10 gallons.
thats a nice simple tank :). I'm dropping off my pimks to an orgenization tommarow when i get off work at 3 and I'm getting 4 angels to put in there!

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