It looks like a Palmas or Cuvier Bichir to me. I don't know much about them besides they can get up to 1' long, they tend to jump out a lot so you need to make sure the tank cover is safe, and it is pretty aggressive with smaller fish but should fair well in a tank with larger fish. Oh, and it's freshwater!
Sorry I don't know much else about it or which kind it is. I want to go with Cuvier...
is it your fish?
i think its a sengal bichir, i have one. nice fish! they eat a varaity of foods, but they dont like flake. so you should get blood worms and other frozen foods for it. frozen beefheart will help it grow, but dont feed it too much or it will get too fat.
Ropefish are close cousins to Polypterids, but differ greatly in appearance. Polypterids tend to be shorter, and much much heavier than Ropefish. What you have there looks like a baby Senegalus, the most common Bichir found in stores.
No its not my fish my I got the picture from my friend who just bought it at petsmart and they called it a dinosaur eel and my husband likes them but
I could not get any info on them when I looked up dinosaur eel so I decided to ask here because I am cycling a 55 gallon tank and I am looking to see what to stock it with. so I am researching about it befor I buy it sorry I put it in the wrong section.
As long as you posted a picture it doesn't really matter at this point . You could have gone either way , Some birchir people[ keepers ] already saw your pic .
You got answers , I think it's a senegal as well ,my son has 2 , if so it shouldn't grow too large .About 8" I think , someone correct me if not.
I had one in a 20 gallon for about a month, but I gave it back to the store. It never jumped, and mostly kept to itself, although once tore up a betta that I put it. It didn't kill it, just took off the fins. It ate flakes and bottom feeder pellets.