Fish Herder
I don't know much about them. And for my collection I think I will stick the Betta Splendens. But I am curious about them (oh no... that is where it starts doesn't it). Hoping some of the old great ones (Julie, Sorrel, wuvmybetta and others) can post some info and pics.
I read that some of them are mouthbrooders. I don't really get it yet but they protect their eggs in the mouth?
Here is one that I think is a Wild Type: Betta imbellis. Seems to be a more common one I guess since he does not cost too much (here we go again) at AttisonBetta (Thailand).
I must admit though I can't tell him apart from a Plakat:
I read that some of them are mouthbrooders. I don't really get it yet but they protect their eggs in the mouth?
Here is one that I think is a Wild Type: Betta imbellis. Seems to be a more common one I guess since he does not cost too much (here we go again) at AttisonBetta (Thailand).
I must admit though I can't tell him apart from a Plakat: