Rubbernose Pleco

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Oct 28, 2003
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Camarillo, CA
Common name: Rubbernose Pleco / Bulldog Pleco / Rubberlip Pleco

Scientific name: Chaetostoma milesi

Family: Loricariidae

Origin: Columbia

Maximum size: Average size of 3 inches but can grow up to 6.

Care: Needs a minimum tanksize of 10 gallons, prefferably bigger. Keep the temperature from 75 to 80f. Likes to hide in caves and under rocks. Prefers smooth stones and large rounded gravel. Very timid and only comes out at night or when no one is in the room. Very nice fish but you'll only see them like once every week or so. Keep with peaceful community fish.

Feeding: Algae wafers and veggies like cucumber, lettuce, and squash, some live or frozen foods.

Sexing: Males have a longer dorsal fin then females and the striped pattern is more noticable.

Breeding: Unknown

Sir Minion says that he has a rubberlip that is 5". Might want to change this index because I've been recommending them to people looking for very small pleco's.
Some further information on these great fish.

The October 05 issue of Practical Fishkeeping carried a four page article about these fish and their natural environment, which agrees with the information given above.

In my experience you see more of them if they have plenty of hiding places. Mine is often out at all times of day and only hides (very quickly) if sudden movements are made near the tank.

They definitely prefer real rocks to fake and wood. They also like to dig, so make sure any rock structures are secure. The PFK article says that they live under flat rocks in shallow streams. This explains their digging. Mine prefers to live beneath the rocks it has dug under, rather than the large fake-log which it used before I added the real rocks.

It doesn't eat plants but disturbs roots by digging. This could be avoided by not planting directly around rocks.

Mine has been a very hardy fish and has remained in good health despite me interfering with the aquascape/plants/etc and treating other occupants for a fungus infection.

The PFK article says:
"Firstly, they don't like it hot. Temperatures over 25.5C/78F can cause trouble if the water is not well oxygenated; much warmer than that and your fish will die."

However, during the summer months my tank struggles to stay below 28-30C and my rubbernose has survived with no obvious signs of distress. Obviously this is best avoided though.

If you are looking for an algea cleaner then the rubbernose doesn't work miracles. It eats it, but not super fast or in vast quantities.
I have just discovered that the article I mention above is on the PFK website.

"Meet the rubbernoses

Catfish guru Julian Dignall from Planet Catfish takes a look at the fascinating Bulldog plecs."

Here is the link.
The fish displayed here is not Chaetostoma milesi

it is Chaetostoma cf. thomsoni

this fish will not reach 6 inches, 4 inch (sl) is the max size that can be expected from this sp.

As it is found in the fast flowing mountain rivers of Colombia, it needs cooler temps than most Loricariidae, 20-23 (68-74) degrees rather than the figure quoted above. It also requires highly oxygenated water along with a strong current to replicate its natural environment.

The fish can be sexed by its pelvic fins rather than the dorsal fins, the males have larger fins than the females along with a larger and broader head than the female of the sp.

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