A great day for bettas!


If you're a bird, I'm a bird
Mar 5, 2004
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Wyoming, brrrr!
Well, I went shopping down in Denver today, and the transhipper Linda lives there so I asked her if I could pick up my aquabid fishies while I was in town :thumbs: We met up around 6 this evening, and she asked me if I had ever been to this store called the Betta Shop. I hadn't so she told me she was heading there and had me follow her :) I walked in and almost died :eek: This store was all HMs and there was a good 50 of them there :hyper: The owner is the president of the RMBS, the IBC chapter I just joined and it took me a good half-hour, but I chose three fish from him too :kana:

His look better then my aquabid ones right now as they had a trip across states and not across seas, but I took some shots of both sets :p I'll do the aquabids first

This is Wager, he's colored up since this shot and now has a lot more purple :thumbs:



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I couldn't get a good shot of this boy, he was enthralled with those paper towels behind him :blink: :rolleyes:

This is Nickel :flex:


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These next three fish are from the shop :thumbs:

This is Malachi :flex:


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This guy is amazing :eek: I couldn't resist him :D

This is Federal :flex:


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what,what,what...whaaaat?! A betta shop within driving distance?! A shop completely dedicated to bettas you say?! :hyper: And awesome,you joined a chapter :thumbs: :hyper:

I love them all,I'm sure it was hard to choose but from the looks of it you made great decisions :thumbs:
Federal :wub: :drool: :hey:
and Malachi... :drool: :drool:
Thanks Kelly :wub: I talked about you in that shop tonight :thumbs: He was asking me if I need more females so I told him about the orangies and al that they carry, and he was very interested in where they came from :nod: So I mentioned they were bred by the current novice front runner ;)

It was so exciting I couldn't believe it. Linda kept standing behind me as I flashlighted everyone saying "no shipping :whistle: " :lol: The next meeting is in two weeks and they said a shipment from Asia is coming over late next week, so I'll be just in time for that weather permitting :thumbs:
Tell him your oranges are originally from Ralph Tran :nod: I bred them of course but the parents were his fish.

I bet it was awesome :wub: I'd love it.
Is Ralph Tran the person who started the line? He was talking about the man who started orange big here, but I can't remember the name...I just told him your name and that I have fish from your spawn, but I didn't know where they originated -_-

It was awesome :)
theyre absaloutly amazing! :hyper:
and Federal is awsome :flex:
next time you go there please give us an update!

DD :)

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