i need help


Fish Crazy
Aug 23, 2004
Reaction score
my beautiful boy fatty is not looking to good

he is in a 8gl tank..water tested fine last time i cheched i do regular water changes,have a filter going but no heater but hes been fine for ages with out one.

a few days ago i noticed he was just looking a bit off couler.he has allways had realy bad fins because of finrot when i first got him and its never growen back...

now his fins are starting to curl..or melt..and i dont kow what to do..

iv added some melafix and a bit of salf but i also have snails andm ussels in with him and i dont know what melafix will do to them...
should i move them to my other tank???

and does anybody know what the curling fin thing is..is it a form of finrot..how do u get rid of fin rot?????? ita just by luck i got rid of it b4

i will put up a pic of him for u all to see .as i said befor he looks a mess but has allways been ok.
he was eating yesterday dontk now about today
hes beeing realy still hiding away and stuf ...

here is the pic of him..he looks so bad


  • IMGfatty_6275.jpg
    22.5 KB · Views: 31
he looks in a right state but well done you for sticking with him. I can't give you much help im affraid as my two seem to be in good health at the moment, even my rescue is back to full finage. wish you all the luck and i hope that he gets better soon.
Try some tetracyline. It is a very good med. Tetracycline is one of those meds that work so good, that you don't want to use it very often, so there is no immunity built up in the diseases. Since you have not been able to get rid of the finrot, you should use this treatment. Do a water change each treatment(100%)
thanks 4 that..sadly fatty diedjust after i wrote that..i miss him he was my first fish ever. so im kinda sad today.

thanks anyway

sorry to hear of your loss...how long had you owned him? It's possible he was just old as most fish shop Bettas are usually around a year old already.

Sorry to hear that he died. :(
My betta, Tango died yesterday from finrot, his fins turned black and seemed like they were burnt. Then they fell off so I treated him with melafix but the melafix just euthanized him?

Anyways, sorry for your loss.
it totaly sucks iv had him for 7 months..its me and my bf 10 month anaversary (shocking spelling i know) today and i was given him on our 3th.... he was so pretty b4 he lost his fins
i'm really sorry candy!!! :-( he had a good life since he had a wonderful mommy like you!!! may he :rip:
:) thanks everyone.... next weekend i think i might go out and find a new betta friend..knowimg me i will find the worst cared for one and love him to bits :).

or i can spend my money on geting 5 new 3 gal glass tanks for $50 nz then i could get 5 new friends.

:D dads gonna kill me but mum will be on my side

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