Pics of my reef-rack...


Fish Addict
Jun 18, 2004
Reaction score
California, U.S.A.
Well, I'm not quite finished with it... but I was so excited that I just had to post some pictures! The design is by Navarre and it perfectly suits my tank... thanks Navarre for all of your hard work! :kana: :kana: :kana:


  • ReefRack1.jpg
    46.3 KB · Views: 49
It's basically a place for me to set my live rock on, and I'm going to pump water underneath of it which will flow through the rock in order to take advantage of it's maximum filtration capabilities!
Actually, I'm siliconing acrylic pieces to the front of it and the front of the tank is going to have 40lbs of live sand in it... I'm hoping that will cover it up. If not, I'm sure it will be covered by algae eventually. :lol:
lol fair enough.
I am actually starting up a marine tank also.
Could u make a thread from start to finish of what u needed and how you did it? would be very helpful.
What size tank is it?
I could PM you with the details, or I could start a thread on it... your choice! I don't mind either way... :D The tank is a 36in long x 20in high x 12in deep 38 gallon. I also have a 10 gallon sump that I am setting up underneath of it to grow macro-algaes in. :thumbs: If you want the expert on saltwater tank setups... Navarre is the one you should talk to, not me! :shifty: :whistle: :D
Wow thats looking really great!
Very neatly done indeed, im impressed! :nod: :cool:

Only 1 concern and its a slight one at that. From the angles o f the photos you have suplies i think you might need a couple more legs for support. The liverock on that wil be quite a bit of weight and from thespacing i see there you may find the rack will "sag". If you add some more suports this sill strengthen the rack and give it alot more support for the liverock on the top.

I have got your PM and there is a photo of my tank on this forum. I will add a link to it from here (hope you dont mind 3fsh).

As you can see from the tank photos, the rack is practically invisible once the rock and sand is in place. The only reason the fron acryilic can be seen is because i have not added any more sand yet (need to add a larger grain size to stop dust clouds :grr: ).

Cant wait to see that tank when its finished 3fsh, i think it will be an awesome tank. ALso nice to see you are not rushing it.. patience is the key and its a pricelss gift if you have it :nod: ;)

Navarres Tank
Don't worry... I am planning on adding quite a few more legs. I was just way too excited so I had to prop it up and take some pics! :*) I am TRYING to be patient... but it's driving me crazy! :crazy: I have been working on this for almost a month now! :X Go ahead. Put a link in my thread... *sniff* *sniff* :-( Just kidding! :D

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