What is this gravel called?

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Feb 21, 2003
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Miserable Wells, Texas
Gravel on the left side is your regular sized aquarium gravel
gravel/sand on left is what I use.


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Hi Mama

Not sure if there is a trade name, but i would just call it fine gravel. I only have gravel in my main display tank, and this is approx mid range between the two.
All by breeding, holding and swimming out tanks bare bottomed which I find best as it does not allow a build up of dirt and bacteria in the tanks.

How are the wrigglers getting on?

at my lfs they grade all the diff gravels by the type of rocks used and the netting by wich it is graded... i think thats would be 2mm mixed its really good for under gravel filters :)
edit the stuff on the right i think is pollished there is a tumbling drum pollisher that turns the gravel in with sand to smooth it i used to know a guy who had one and he made some stones that looked like they had all sorts of cool paterns out of what appeared to be plain rocks well worth looking into. B)
The stuff on the left is regular river gravel.

On the right is pea gravel, or pool filter media, or sandblast. It's all the same, just different names.
wigglers are still wiggling dolphin!!.....I lost a few while they were still eggs, but I no doubt have my hands full if they make it....... the past couple of days I have lost very few...they should be swimmers by Friday

:fish: :fish: :fish:

:thumbs: keeping my fingers crossed!

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