What the heck is this?


New Member
Oct 26, 2004
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So, I posted a pic of this stuff a couple of weeks ago and even though I didn't think it was aptasia before I posted it, you guys thought that it was. Of course, my pic wasn't that clear, so I can see why. Well, I was looking at the site of the place that I purchased my live rock and they had a great picture of the same thing that is on my rock as an advertisement for their rock. So, I'm thinking that they wouldn't put a pic of aptasia for their advertisement for live rock, so this HAS to be something else. Anyone know what this is?

Not sure... It looks like a close relative to an aiptasia. I will ask people that are more knowledgable than me in this area. and get back to you. :*)
it looks to me like a white curlique anenome, of which i have one in my tank aswell, did a bit of fishing for info when i got mine a few weeks ago, and it is a family relative of the aiptasia.
I wonder if I put a peppermint shrimp in there to eat the aptasia that I do have, if he will eat this guy, too? Do they eat ALL glass anemones?
Navarre said:
Not sure but i would say Yes" :*)
i see you ask about peppermints i have five of them and also a couple of other glass crowns anemones your question was do they eat others, in my case no they dont they only eat my aptasia (the bad one) but not when the aptasia is to big, i do have pics but i cant upload could some one tell me how is there a size of pic
So, I posted a pic of this stuff a couple of weeks ago and even though I didn't think it was aptasia before I posted it, you guys thought that it was. Of course, my pic wasn't that clear, so I can see why. Well, I was looking at the site of the place that I purchased my live rock and they had a great picture of the same thing that is on my rock as an advertisement for their rock. So, I'm thinking that they wouldn't put a pic of aptasia for their advertisement for live rock, so this HAS to be something else. Anyone know what this is?

like this :unsure:


  • scummy_house_075.jpg
    76.2 KB · Views: 52
to this in 3 weeks good oll shrimps


  • scummy_house_080.jpg
    86.7 KB · Views: 50
Yeah, see your pic is DEFINATELY aptasia, no doubt about that one and I do have some aptasia, but this stuff isn't that, I don't think. It is definately a close-relative, there is no doubting that, but Leon may be right about it being a curli-que anemone, after looking at a few pics of those. Wasn't a 100% no doubt match, but it looked very much like my pic.

So, I guess I need to know exactly how to feed these guys. My research said that curlique anemones are carnivores and eat shrimp meat, etc. Do I need to feed them other than the brine shrimp that I put in for the fish and if I do, how specifically do I do that? Thanks so much!
Anemones are opportunists. They wont turn down a meal just because it wast prime shrimp meat ;) They will lie in wait for weeks for the tiniest partical of food to pass them by. I would say by the photo that they are still very small so just feed the tank as normal. I would not target feed at all as this might trigger a population explosion.
If you feel you "must" feed them then only feed once per week and with a tiny bit of food, whether its pellet, frozen or flake it doesnt really matter. I have a small bubbletip that came in on some live rock, everyone told me it was a majanoe but i wasnt convinced. Im glad i didnt kill it because its now beginning to grow and look more like a bubbletip everyday. I have never yet fed this anemone and just let it take its energy from th elight and with whatever drifts past.
Good luck with it

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