And I thought moving my 10-gallon was bad Tank looks great, FM! Must feel great to have it all done! I'm not looking forward to having to move my 29-gallon planted
lizard : It feels awesome to have the tank there is everything else.... still such a mess around here and it is just draining....bleh.
Itty : I have a lot of the same fish, some didn't make it and I sold a lot of them.
The 45 is stocked a little less dense than it was before, but I had to leave quite a bit of grow-out room for all of the peacocks...they are pretty small as of now, but will be growing quite a bit, very quickly....also, I have fryeri in both tanks (1 male, 2 females) The one in the 45 will most likely grow faster than the one in the 180, due to the lack of mbuna to deal with. Mbuna have no regard for majesty....they will soon learn who is master though. It is pretty funny to see demasoni being bigger than fryeri....