now he will only do it if we let my uncles dog in the house
our dog is allowed in the house by oscars (my cats) standards providing she (the dog) keeps her distance
my dog is a well known cat chaser so she is always supervised while indoors
but if she so much as approaches the cat, then we had better hide our shoes
That kitty looks like someone just woke it during a good dream of him catching those fish he was trying to get to the other day. POTM on it. Good luck getting another one...
I love that chasing tail pic. I adore the pic of her snoozing in your hand. Awwwwwwww. Definitely POTM material, I third the nomination! Thanks for sharing, I feel all warm and fuzzy now.
I love cats...Since we got our new puppy my cat has been avoiding my familoy and loving me Since I pay the most attention to her...Wished she was as addorable as she used to be(like yours) but shes approaching 16! I think we should get a car for her birthday!
Ack... I'll have this typed out as soon as I can get my owh gitty fto move fom in front of my computesr screen CAT!!!
I can see! I CAN SEE! Ow, she bit me! My cat cusses at me a lot, too. Like now. Whenever I try to move her and she doesn't want to move. Not only does she cuss, but she makes my hands hurt like heck, too (CHOMP!). Yep. She's my sweetie!