Which of your bettas...


Addicted and in Therapy
Jul 13, 2003
Reaction score
Wichita, KS
Before I start, let me say this post is not condoing betta fighting. It's just for fun. :p

Of all your bettas, who would win a fight between them and why?

Of my bettas... I think it would be my black plakat. :shifty: First of all, because he is short finned, secondly because he's crazy aggressive, and thirdly because he's huuuuuuuge. :flex: Whenever he even thinks he sees another fish, he goes beserk. He's about twice the size of all my bettas, in both length and girth. Oh and you can't forget the fact that he is black, so he's like a dark shadow appearing from the gloom. :hyper:


  • blackplakat3.jpg
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probably my ct female, shes large and has short fins so my male would prolly be toast. and of course a plakat can take out juts about any long fined betta :D ur black plakat is very nice ;)
My first one, Spiffy.

He'd win because he's about a quarter inch longer than the other ones :lol:

Of my other two, Sparky would definately take Spunky.
It would be my dark blue plakat (Spaniard).

He's huge and sometimes I think he will smash through the glass. :flex: :flex:
Do any of you know where I can find more exotic Bettas?

The three that I have are all relatively the same, but I'm also looking for the clear kinds and all that lovliness. Most of the time I walk into Petco or the LFS and look for Bettas there, but thery're all fairly generic, where else can I go to find more rare Bettas?
Well, if Kaiser and Saskue hadn't of passed on, I would have definitely said them...they would have tied. :rolleyes: But a very close second to them, would so have to be my female, Polaris. She is a complete b**** and she knows it. :p :rolleyes: :flex:

Here's a pic of her looking tough. The torn fins are probably from a fight with one of her Platy-tankmates...or she just got into a tussle with a plant again. :rolleyes: :p :lol:
My betta is the laziest hippy fish I have ever seen. He wouldn't fight anything if World War III was erupting. I had to put him in my 10 gallon for a short period of time, after I had posted a topic to see if it would be ok. He was in there with my two Swordtails and they picked on him like it was going out of style. I have never seen him flare up or be aggressive once. I would like to think of him as a beilever in nonviolence (like myself) but that's kinda pushing it with a betta. :p
My crazy female would tear up either one of my males :thumbs: She's much bigger than what she looks like in the pic :nod:

EDIT: Nevermind, that pics about actual size :p


  • AJB_2_022__2_.jpg
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i think molly, my female would win for sure!!! her eyesight is superb and she's fiesty. beat the crap out of gypsy (my other female) when they were housed together (don't worry, they've been separated long time ago). also, she's quite a chunky little girl. the picture to the left is her - opalescent in colour!!! :D :wub:
well, i wouldn't bring any of the fish i have at the moment to the ring, they are all "ornamental" including my plakats and wouldn't last a minute against a real born and bred fighter. well, not entirely true...the five boys i have left of my original plakat spawn are all fiesty, perhaps if i conditioned one of them in indian almond leaf and hardened up their scales beforehand they might last a minute ;)



these two guys are a good example of the Barbodes Gonionotus formtype, bred for entertainment and not for serious matching.
Well... I think that my female MG I got from Bkk would win... because she like ATTACKS her food n I think she killed one of my ghost shrimp before and when I attemped to breed her, she like flared at the male before he even saw her!
Wisperian said:
Well... I think that my female MG I got from Bkk would win... because she like ATTACKS her food n I think she killed one of my ghost shrimp before and when I attemped to breed her, she like flared at the male before he even saw her!
:lol: that doesn't surprise me, all the girls from that spawn attack their food violently for some reason

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