It couldn't get worse...


Addicted and in Therapy
Jul 13, 2003
Reaction score
Wichita, KS
Ugh. I'm so upset. :sad: This has been a really bad week to start with, but I'm having many fish troubles too. My beautiful delta marble who I just recently posted pics of, and who I ADORE already, has been very sick lately. I couldn't figure out what was wrong with him... one day he was swimming around, bubble nesting, and brightly colored, the next day he was laying on his side heaving, pale.... :blink: He's been like that for about 3 days. But when I checked on him today before feeding him, I found he had velvet! I was sure glad to figure out what was wrong...

Then... the worst part.

I came upstairs a good few hours later to turn off my lights, and he wasn't in his tank. He's in one of the gallon Aquaviews from Walmart, and if you know what they look like, there is a teeny tiny hole in the top. Somehow this sick and lethargic fish jumped out of it. :crazy: I still don't know how. Then I couldn't find him anywhere!!! The tank is on my desk, and he flopped a good 2 feet off the desk somehow, and then 3 feet back under the desk onto the carpet. I was positive he was dead, dried to a crisp (even into a curl) and covered in crap. However, I put him in his tank and he's breathing. :eek: So he's currently in a jar with a lowered water level, in a heated tank, in betta soup. I hope he makes it, he's pretty messed up. :-(
Whoa!! that sounds so crazy. I hope he will be okay though. Update on what happens.
I can understand what your going through...I've been having a hard time with my fish lately too. It's so difficult to watch something you love so much be sick..I really hope your betta gets better :)
Aww, that sucks, julie! I sure hope he makes it, the crazy little jumper! :-(
I hope he makes it too,Jules. I had one of my HM's jump through the same itty bitty hole on one of those tanks. Unbelievable. Tuesday found him on the floor and I still can't believe he went through one of those holes. He was a goner when he was discovered though.
Aww. :-( I'm sorry for you & your little guy. I'm sending positive thoughts your way. Hope he pulls through.
So far, so good. He ate, so I packed him full of good ol' Hikari frozen bloodworms tonight. I hope he can heal from the inside out. Then I filled his jar all the way up, since he's not laying on the bottom anymore. He's still in betta soup and 81 degrees, so I am hoping for the best. I love the little guy, and I'm encouraged so far.

Too bad julie hope he makes it

This happend with one of my CT females she jumped a good 2-3 fee too

I found her dried up thinking she was dead..

I put her in her tank so I could flush her......And she was alive

the first week was hell she had ICH VELVET and she had a big bruse..... :(

And a sca looking thing were she fell....... :crazy:


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and then made th recovery..... :D

Sorry to hi-jack but I want u to know theres hope....... :)


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Thanks Joker, I remember when that happened to your poor girl, and seeing pics of her when she recovered was amazing. I hope the same can happen with my guy.
Yikes! What a fish! (Both Julie's and Wuv's!) I have a couple of those AquaView tanks and the holes in those tops aren't very big. Impressive that any Betta, let alone a sick one, managed to sneak out of there...

Hope he gets better soon, Julie! :flex:

aka Married Lizard :wub:

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