Fish Crazy
I have another betta (also bought at that mass fish market) that hasn't eatin in about a week. Annnd I am pretty sure he's going to get dropsy.... Two days ago I bought Furan-2 by Aquarium Pharamceuticals (if I catch it in time maybe I can save him) and I'm giving him that.
Yesterday I was looking at him and he looked sorta bloated but today man he looks bigger than yesterday. *sigh* I have him in this long 1.5 gallon "fancy tank" with a 5 w heater (i know it's a no no but otherwise he'd freeze at night cause the big room heater is furthest away from him) and I've been really really really careful monitoring it (never goes above 80) . The weird thing though is that he's building these little bubblenests... unles it's normal for sick fish to emit lots of bubbles. He hangs out by the heater and just stays floating at the top.
Here are a couple of pics:
Ok I just got back from taking pics and his upper half is pine coning.... aaaarrrrgghhh not again!!!!
Here he is hanging out by the heater and with his bubbles... see how bloated his head is??
Yesterday I was looking at him and he looked sorta bloated but today man he looks bigger than yesterday. *sigh* I have him in this long 1.5 gallon "fancy tank" with a 5 w heater (i know it's a no no but otherwise he'd freeze at night cause the big room heater is furthest away from him) and I've been really really really careful monitoring it (never goes above 80) . The weird thing though is that he's building these little bubblenests... unles it's normal for sick fish to emit lots of bubbles. He hangs out by the heater and just stays floating at the top.
Here are a couple of pics:
Ok I just got back from taking pics and his upper half is pine coning.... aaaarrrrgghhh not again!!!!
Here he is hanging out by the heater and with his bubbles... see how bloated his head is??