My community tank

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Fish Addict
Feb 5, 2003
Reaction score
London, UK
A couple of pics of my smaller (community) tank - this is a Fluval Duo 600. I've just pruned a lot of the plants back yet again - the sword and floating plants tend to take over within a couple of weeks if I don't :)


  • 70l_1a.jpg
    34.9 KB · Views: 61
Nice tank, is that one of those miracle beams I can see in the second pic?
Stix - yep. miraclebeam laser in the second pic. Both of my proper tanks have two laser modules and one blue LED module. Makes them look really good after lights out especially if the room lights are turned right down. It took me a while to get them in the right place and pointing in the right directions, but in my opinion, well worth it. See pic below for a long exposure pic of the tank with the lasers and LED showing up nicely.

Hi Nikki - the RTBS are about 2 1/2" to 3" in length now. When I got them they were a little over 1". Going to have to think about rehoming them soon as they are getting a bit too big for the tank now.

Cheers, Eddie


  • laser6.JPG
    34.4 KB · Views: 75
I have seen them in some stores around here on clearance and I wasnt sure how good they(lasers) worked or what effects they may have on the fish. I know my fish dont even like the laser pointer shined in the tank.
Mine don't seem to mind - I think they would object if they were moving around a lot, but as they are static they just act as highlights. The golden barbs and gouramis look stunning when the laser catches them.

Cheers, Eddie
I just added miraclebeam system to my tank this week. Came with 1 green and 1 blue light. Can hook up to 5 lights. They also have other products such as a light house and treasure chest with the laser lights. You can buy them at My fish really like them. My Burma Upside Down Catfish and Bumblebee Catfish come out and swim around when I put these lights on. Now we can see them once in a while. It looks really great at night when you shut off all other lights. I am still trying to decide what color I want. Thinking about all red. Green too green with plants, and blue too dark.

I find that the set up I have in that tank looks realy good and have put the same in my other larger tank. Two red lasers at the back corners aimed towards the opposite front corners, and a blue LED module highlighting the middle area of the tank.

In my other tank I have the blue module at the front corner pointing towards the middle of the tank but I will probably be adding another to the other corner as there is not quite enough coverage.

They look excellent when the tank and room lights are off and don't seem to bother the fish at all. In fact the only time I get to see my blue armoured shrimp is after lights out and he shows up well under the miracle beam lighting.

I know they are not to everyone's taste, but wouldn't the world be really boring if we all liked the same stuff :)

Cheers, Eddie
WOW eddie, never seen a pic with the beoms on b4 B)

Didnt think they where so bright!
the lasers are just tooooo awesome!
it's a good thing I don't have anything like that....I'd never get anything done!, I'd just kick on the Pink Floyd and tweek on my fish for hours
Ah - it's all a matter of taste Mr V. There's a saying in English that says - one's mans meat is another mans poison :)

That pics was taken using a very long exposure (8 seconds) - they are not that bright normally. The reason for the long exposure was to give a better idea of how they look, photos can't do justice to the effect you get when a fish swims through the beam...

Cheers, Eddie

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