Pic to go with emergency post!


Fish Fanatic
Aug 20, 2002
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Pic of tinfoil with prob!


  • Tin_Foil_1.jpg
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second one


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3rd. Sorry they arent the greatest. they look clear on my digital till i upload them!


  • Tin_Foil_3.jpg
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Is it just one fish or both? They *might* be breeding or something or got stuck or there is a disease I read about that causes them to rub against objects in the tank.

I hope you don't mind, but I resized your pics and cleaned them up a bit.

I will check some of my reference books and see if I can figure out what this is.

It may be the fish has a few busted blood vessels under it's skin and this is blood under the skin, but I am not sure!!

CM,thanks for resizing my pics. I'm definatley not a photographer :sick:

Its both of the Tinfoils. All other fish are fine. I thought maybe it was because they was gasping for oxygen when the filter was shut off,but it seems to be getting worse. I did another 25% water change tonight,and put a new filter in.Just making sure my water is staying nice for them and hoping it goes away. All my stats(ph,ammon.nitrates) are good. Its just so odd. Kinda looks like a sunburn or psoriasis :crazy:
You know the same happened to me. For some reason my tank naturally run low on O2 (someone said its my high ph)and my eliotti had blood that raised to the surface. but only underhis gills and up the side. I placed an airstone in the tank and slowly but shurley it went away. But this can also be a sign of internal bleeding so make sure you keep a very close eye on this. I say if it gets worse you got a problem. but if it fade to a little more brownish color your in the safe.
If you dont have an airstone or some kind of filter that oxynegates(sp) the water go get one.!!
Well if i had just gotten them then i would think it was my filter. But i have had them for almost a year and they are very hardy and have grown 2 inches since i have had them. I currently have a Aqua-tech power filter and i use Aqua-tech 30-60 prefilled carbon power filters. They never had this prob till my filter was shut off and they was gasping for air. I noticed shortley after that what looked to be blood was appearing under there scales and skin and some was going up there fins. And now several days later,it seems to be worse. I'm not sure what to do. :-(
I have seen this before on catfish in oxygen defficiant water sometimes with the whole fish turning pink,where i have seen it it has always disapeared within a week or so once the water is re-oxygenated.As sgtB advised use an airstone rather than a current from a power filter to get extra oxygen into the tank,tinfoils and other large barbs need oxygen rich water and are always the first to suffer if oxygen levels fall (this is also the reason why so few full grown tinfoils and balas are seen in fs as they dont travel well in bags).
I did as you said and i put my 6 inch air stone in the tank. Hopefully that will get the tank well oxygenated.
thanks for the advise! :D
Do like I did, get a bubble wall the length of the tank it looks great and you know the fish are happy!
I think i will. The one i put in my tank i have had for awhile and i just used it for quarantine tanks. Its just a small one but the fish seem to like it in there.
Is there somewhere special i should place it in my tank? I have it the opposite side of my filter and on the side of the tank. It does look very pretty in there. i might go get one for my 55 gallon tank also ;)
Try to position it as close to the middle of the tank as possible. This will help move the water around the tank as well!!


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