One of Superman's tanks


Fish Addict
Mar 28, 2003
Reaction score
Olathe, KS
This is an ok picture of my 40 gallon predator tank with an actinic blue bulb on it. The picture is a little grainy since I used my sprint phone camera. The fish that are currently in this tank are my needle fish (not needle gar) Clown knife, Black Ghost knife, Leopard Ctenopoma, and fire eel, various snails as well. I will try to get better pics up soon with a higher quality camera.


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Looks nice is that a golden p.bridgesi applesnail I see on the gravel? Keep up the good work and I'll look forward to some more pictures :D
That isn't an accent light that is the tank's 03 actinic bulb (made by coralite) I love this bulb, but it is hard to photograph the tank since it is a darker light.
what the advantage to the Bulb. I would really like to know. Since I am building a 75 gallon from sctratch except the glass. Making my own hood and I am wondering about lights and what i need.
The advantages of the bulb are as follows

-a softer light, which can make night predators or bottom dwellers more at ease enough to be out and about during the day instead of at night when your aquarium light is out and you are sleeping.

-Also keeps skittish mid to upper level fish a little more calm in many cases.

- Brings out the reds and blues and whites of fish.

-This light makes your tank seem much more different than most, it's unique

This bulb is called a moonlight bulb by some bulb manufacturers. I did have a bad run in with another brand's actinic bulb (the brand name escapes me right now) and it lost all of it's blue spectrum and now looks more like a 50/50 bulb than an actinic. So I would recommend coralite, since I have first hand experience with this brand. Though I am sure that there are others that make equal to or better bulbs. Have fun with lighting! :D

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