My Little Sunburst Platy!


Fish Gatherer
Dec 11, 2003
Reaction score
New Hampshire, USA
:D Here's my 4 month old Sunburst platy, Pebbles. When was a tiny fry, she jumped out of the net and was on the floor for a minute before I could find and rescue her.

Anyway, here's some pics! :nod:


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my baby mollie (jaws) played quite happily with death.he was pushing around the adults and swimming near the filter( a little too close for safety)
hes breeding like crazy now :p :rolleyes: :)
why do you name your fish? just asking not being rude i just want reasons for why people name them...
i named my baby mollie because he was my first survivor and he eats more like the famous matter what it is he will or try to eat it :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
but i love him.i love my baby mollie.but he is a teen now so me and him both bein guys cant really show affection towards one another.most of you will know why.
:thumbs: Well, I think at least some of my fish should have names. I prefer to name all of my fish, but I still haven't found the right names for some of them. I named my 3 month old platy Pebbles because I thought she was a little pebble that was on the floor but it was actually her. I'm so happy she survived! :nod:
but i love him.i love my baby mollie.but he is a teen now so me and him both bein guys cant really show affection towards one another.most of you will know why.

yeah, better keep it to yourself or he'll think your gay and stop hangin' out with ya. :rolleyes:
Bet he's gettin' more action too. Come to think of it, a male molly in a tank with females probably gets more action than any human guy. :lol:

Hmm . . . I've just decided I might want to be reincarnated as a male molly. :rofl:
:nod: You should see how my male Sunburst platy goes after my female platy! He constantly follows her! You would think that they were married or something! But, they do make such a cute couple! :wub:

(And they produced fry!) :thumbs:
ou should see how my male Sunburst platy goes after my female platy! He constantly follows her! You would think that they were married or something! But, they do make such a cute couple!

Yeah, accept that if you added one of his daughters in, he'd be all over her too! :rofl:

Or any female molly for that matter. :lol:

:hey: :hey: :hey: :hey: :hey: :hey: :hey: :hey: :hey: :hey: :hey: :hey: :hey: :hey: :hey:

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