My friend called me last night, the live in an apartment and they aren't allowed to have pets. They have a ferret, a cat, a chinchilla, and a fish tank. Well, the decided they better cut down some so she called and and asked if I wanted a chinchilla. Her boyfriend was gonna let it go in a field It's 50 in the day here and 30's at night, the cold alone would kill him.
I'm gonna go get him in about an hour and then I'll post pictures and stuff
thats great!
and eeek to letting him go in the field
some guys are so stupid
most store bought pets can't survive in the wild after being born and living in captivity
they have instincts yes but because they are domesticated they are far too dependant and trusting
is barney hand tamed?
one thing about chinchillas to remember, especially since you have your boy, is that it is in their nature to be fast and alert and if something goes wrong they can bite, but will most often scramble
the worst part is that they have sharp little nails and will flail much like a spooked cat, scratching any bare skin
just a word of warning
be careful if barney is spooky
Yes he is tame However, my kids aren't aloud to hold him, but they pet him in my lap and such. He also has one of those exercise balls that he can run around the house in, so they think that's great too