My New Guarami Babies!


Fish Addict
Jun 15, 2004
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I just went into the LFS today and i noticed the same two guaramis in there for the past week. So i decided to buy them for my 10g :) For 6.99 a piece they better live a disease free life and die of old age! Or learn to talk.


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another picture! To picture how small these two are the pipe on this is about an inch wide.


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Their loverly!!!! I love dwarfs, my last one, bubbles, was so cute and playful, he wud cum to the front of the tank, go up, get his air, and then dance at the front of the tank, releasing air lil by lil, making bubbles everywhere (Hence y we called him bubbles)

he was small 2, hes Here And the balls in there are just standard small marbles, lol.
MrMashashin said:
yes they are.
Thought so. We have four, two are blue like yours and the other two are red. I've always loved gourami, particularly the way they investigate everything in the tank. They're almost as bad as the kribs, lol. :D
LadyMinion said:
Very nice Gourami - are they dwarfs?
There from the family of Dwarfs But there called Neon Blue Gouramis

Very nice pcs Mr.Mashashin... :thumbs:

6.99 is a little pricey...I got mine for 3 dollars each..... -_-

Anyways kool pics. :kewlpics:

Also Off-topiv hows ur Pink convicts?
Very Nice fish :)

A note of warning, many Dwarf Gourami now carry TB and other nasties due to them being inter-bred. If any symptoms occur, i'd suggest you quarantine them asap before problems spread

my pinkys are doing great!. I have one that should be getting color any time now! I figure they will be too big for me to keep so i have a home lined up for them at the lfs where i got the guaramis. The guy there has an over abundance of those black striped convicts and only 1 pink one so i guess he would like a good breeing pair or two for his 200g he's setting up.

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