Need id of fish

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Fish Fanatic
Aug 20, 2002
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I need an id and maybe some info on a fish i was given sunday evening. He seems very territorial or maybe he is just aggressive altogether. he keeps chasing my angels,and fantails all over the tank. So i would like some info to see what type of tank mates he would be suitable with. Maybe my other tanks will suit him better.


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He is definately an african cichlid. You say you have him with Angels. This is very bad. Africans are notoriously aggressive and shouldn't be kept with timid fishes. Preferably they should be kept with other africans. Also they need a high ph and hard water, unlike that of Angels. Best to find him a new tank. Soon. :eek:
Hi Amity,

I believe the fish is a Malawi Cichlid, which should only be kept with other fish from lake Malawi. In time i'm sure the fish will proberly kill the other fish in the tank.

I cant give you the full name for the fish, but i'm sure CM will soon.

Gaza T
Oh great :eek: I dont have a tank suitable for him then My 30 gallon has 2 tinfoil barbs, 2 widow tetras,plecko,2 sailfish.My 10 gallon in my sons room has guppies's and mollies. Oh man,i guess i better find something quick. he chased my black moore so much that my Moore tried to hide in a shell and got stuck. This shell has been in there for over a year,as well as my black moores. Poor thing finally got himself out but his fins are shredded. I hope he makes it . I took the shell out so it wouldnt happen again.I will just have to put him in a bucket with an airstone for now till i can get him an aquarium,or a new home :(
what color is this fish? i thought it was a yellow lab but he looks too orangey at second glance. do you have another picture of the fish not so close?

The plant is artificial,its attatched to an artificial coral reef.
The fish is odd colored. He is golden colored,with a little bit of bright yellow by his gills and turquoise color by his dorsil fin. Its odd because when i was trying to get him out of my tank with my net,i had a heck of a time catching him. But he became more brilliant in color. Its like his color changes with his mood. Not sure if thats possible or not,but thats what it seemed. I took him to my moms and put him in her 75 gallon tank. She has 4 parrot fish,and a snail.So i thought he might be good there. He hasnt bothered the parrots as of yet and the parrots dont seem to mind him.So, so far so good. ;)
labidochromis careulus. or otherwise known as a yellow lab. one of the more peaceful mbunas. they are harem breeders. meaning the males will need atleast three females. this will keep down the aggression in the males. females that are unwilling to mate with him he will kill. would keep an eye on him with the parrots. since parrots are hybrids their mouths are deformed and they are pretty much defenseless.

the reason his color goes more brilliant when he is netted is he is "showing his colors". this is common in the mbuna they show their coklors when defending their territory from another aggressor or to impress a female. the males are usualoly more brilliantly colored than the females. when they are riled they will also show their colors.

I've got 3 electric yellows and none of them look anything like that. Mine have more pointed faces, black on their bottom fins as well and their bodies aren't so sleek - they're kinda taller.
actually he looks like a cross breed. that is why i asked if she had another pic of them. in some respects he looks like a red zebra.

I dont believe he is a lab at all. I once owned a fish exactly like that. I cant remember what he is called but give me some time and I may come up with it. If its the same color he turns a pale pink color when excites and peach color when relaxed. Is this right. I am no expert so It could be a lab. Most labs Ive see have sleeker faces. I would see if you could post him in the cichlid section. Thats pretty unanimous Deffinately cichlid. As he grows he poses a threat to the parrots.
This is the only other pic i have of him on my digital.They both looked like good pics till i uploaded them and now they look blurry. Sorry they arent better ones!


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