Other Pets

The October FOTM Contest Poll is open!
FishForums.net Fish of the Month
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I want that lab pup, gorgoeus, yummy mmm. Think I'm in :wub:

Amityv, I think you have some of the prettiest cats I've ever seen.
Thank you Alex. They was both given to me several years ago as kittens,and they just are part of the family now.My daughter just brought home another white kitten she found, so i guess it'll be part of the family now too! :crazy: We have several strays outside that seem to hang around and not leave. Maybe because i feed them,shhhhhh :*)

Bradley,your pup is adorable. Nothing cuter than a puppy :wub:

Doohic722, i am sorry for your loss. He looks like he was an awesome cat.
I had one about 7 years ago the same color and he came up missing one night when he got out. His name was Pretty Boy. he was the coolest,laidback cat ever. I am sure you'll get another that you'll love also. :D
You think he is cute?

Well, he WAS, now he is 90 pounds heavier and 10 times more adorable, i'll try to get a pic of him tonight.
Thanks amityv he was a very laid back cat, he was so funny, that picture wasnt even staged. Everyone thinks I proped him up like that but he was sitting there watching TV with us and occasionally cleaning his stomach.

I had been trying to get that picture for like a month, everytime i went to get my camera he would jump down. He went in his sleep and comfortably on the couch (where he wasnt suppose to be :rolleyes: ) And he was one of the happiest cats ive ever seen, he would be the first to greet me when i came home.

Bradley, Dexter is sooo cute, think I could borrow him and walk him around the college up here? lol, definitly pick up some ladies. :p
Ivy's put on a few pounds (18 lbs?), but she's still a lovable kitty. Kind of hard to put her on a diet since I'm usually gone for a couple of days at a time and have to keep her dish full. Then again, who wants a scrawny, bony cat? She still knows how to play hard when the thought crosses her mind.

It's so nice to have a furry face greet you at the door everytime you come home ;)


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Heres a picture of my 2 babies Hugo and Todd


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Cute cats(hugo, i like that name).

I got the pictures of my dog dexter, i'll try to post them very soon.

By the way, Ivy is very cute!
(and yes, i prefer over weight over under weight, they look so cute and plumb!)
Hey now! :) Heres just ONE of my babies. If u wanna see the rest, Im trying very hard to show them off to ANYONE :*) so go to my webpage(s) dedicated to all my pets! http://hometown.aol.com/swatmonkey27/ourpets.html :thumbs:
This is my chipmunk Little Bob. :wub: Hes the COOLEST pet by far ever! Thats me hes sitting on.


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I love the chipmunk :D :D I had one for a day. The neighbors found him pinched in the garage door with a broken leg. He let me hold him, but when my mother saw him and screamed, he bit me. I had to go to the doctor for rabies tests and you know what they did with Chippy :-( I had to get rabies shots until the tests came back that he wasn't rabid. Poor little guy.

I once rescued a nest full of baby ground squirrels. Their mother had been run over. They were scattered across the lawn and sidewalk, dying of dehydration and starvation. One didn't make it, but the other five got fat and sassy :D The most aggressive one I named Miss Piggy, and was she ever! Nobody else got to the bottle until she couldn't down another drop. My neighbors weren't too happy when I released them in the back yard. :huh: "You let GOPHERS loose in the yard??" :crazy: Bad idea, they probably trapped and poisoned them.

Does Little Bob run free in the house all the time?

No Little Bob doesnt run all over the house, just in my room. For one hes a little afraid when we take him out of the room, and two, there are 4 cats roaming the house that would love to make a toy of him! :crazy: I found him as a baby on my friends porch in Las Vegas probobly only a week or 2 old. We found two dead ones nearby :-( (most likely killed by the resident cat) :( So I took him home, researched chipmunks on line and stubbornly ignored all advice given to me to send him to the "proper authorities". :S I hand fed him puppy formula from a syrynge until he looked like he could handle bananas and other soldids (ie Hampster food). He slowly took to me and as time went by he became more and more interactive. :D I was told to release him, but it is impossible! He lived with a prissy kitty and a rascally ferret, dogs constantly sniffing at his cage door and friends wanting to play with him. The little guy is FEARLESS! B) He tries to play with anything that moves or that he can make move! He is so smart too! He knows his name, gets into the bin we keep the meal worms in and gets the tupperware lid OPEN! He plays, likes to be petted (specially under his chin :wub: ) and lets me know when he needs, or wants something! :rolleyes: I am yet to see the vicious, rabies infested killer all the "experts" told me he'd turn into once he hit puberty (and believe me, hes HIT puberty big time!) :blink:

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