The rest of my riccia (which was most of it) has been added to my 20 gallon as a floating plant so it can grow naturally. I think it will grow more rapidly this way, and will cause me less worry to ensure its health. When I have a good amount, I'll start making a lawn in the 20 gallon too.
In the mean time, the hatchets and endlers can enjoy the shade. I have a couple of endler fry whove hidden in it, and I've discovered that riccia might be the best way to keep the fry from being eaten in a huge community tank, as they can find refuge among the forks of riccia.
Beware, you'll soon have a whole mess of it! I wouldn't worry too much about its growth, especially the floating riccia, because it should spread quickly.
It looks like it will be a good thread in the end. I'd like to see how long it takes to conceal the hairnet. I've got to see If I can get one of my LFS' to get some riccia for me. I love how it pearls once esatablished (in most cases).