Here are my 2 new gold marble angels and a Boesemani Rainbowfish that I managed to catch semi-still (OK, this pic is only the angels). There are a few cories scattered about that may be in some of the pics. I really want a new digital camera!!!
Another of the angel. I was torn between getting some other type of Rainbowfish or having the lfs order a couple angels for me (they had some regular gold and black lace, but I wanted the calico/gold marble). My husband made the final call b/c I couldn't make up my mind and I'm thrilled we got the angels, the lfs did a great job
I've got some others but they're not as clear. The stupid camera can focus just fine on things behind or in front of the fish, but never on the fish themselves.
Beautiful new Angels! The marbled ones are my favorites too. My lfs has some and I would love to get my hands on them, but they are almost 7 inches already and I have no tank big enough to put them in.
The Rainbows are gorgeous too. I love those colors.
Thanks guys (and girl)! I'd wanted angels for a long time, but my last tank had tiger barbs and this one had rosy barbs and I didn't want angels getting nipped to shreds. I got rid of the rosy barbs for more rainbowfish but a few didn't make it. They were all one kind of rainbow, so I didn't want to try that kind again and thought something completely different might be nice
I just had to make sure to get medium sized ones instead of smaller ones b/c I think my rainbows might have been responsible for the others' demise and I didn't want to lose angels to them too.
These angels are approximately 2 - 2.5" nose to tail base and 4 - 5" top to bottom.