Sick Striped Raphael Catfish


New Member
Oct 18, 2024
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Hi there! I read your Emergency posts and those are super great and full of info. Unfortunately, I am still very new and cannot be sure of what my fish are fighting and would love some help to save my catfish and the rest of the tank!

I apologize for being so wordy and long!

I bought 2 new Raphael Catfish and I'm completely in love with these guys. They are so fascinating. In my newbie newness, I made the detrimental mistake of NOT quarantining them. I cannot recall if they looked like this when I bought them or not. Unfortunately, I have been a bit sleep deprived staying in the hospital with my mom for 1.5 weeks (surgery/cancer) so my brain fog is at max lately. Probably not the best time to get new fish, but my little nephews were visiting and what turned from getting 1 more female honey gourami turned into 2 catfish instead. But I LOVE these guys so I am very happy about that.

My routine has been off since Nov 13th when my mom was in the hospital and I have been staying with her in the evenings and overnight there. When she was released Tuesday, I have been with family visiting and helping her at her house while she is recovering - I'm only home to take care of the fish in the evening and sleep (my son feeds during the day while I was away). This means I haven't been home enough to closely monitor the fish like I would have liked to do. But I am home now for the most part so I can have a closer eye on things. I was doing the water changes every couple of days, I'd say anywhere from 15-20% since I've had the 2 new catfish. I thought I should err on the side of more frequent water changes for a couple of weeks.

Anyway, a couple of nights ago, I noticed one of my swordtails (Maui) started flashing which immediately raised flags for me. I have never seen any of them do this and I immediately thought of the 2 new catfish. Ugh! I gave Maui a 10 minute salt bath and he seemed to do better that evening and next day. I repeated a water change nearly every evening since then of about 15-20% and added Prime each time.

The next day I started noticing my Lyretail Molly flashing. This really made me concerned because now its more than just 1 fish. I gave them both a 10 minute salt bath and they seemed to do better (and continued wc each night and added Prime).

2 nights ago, I noticed my second swordtail was flashing. So I grabbed all the fishies (honey gourami, 2 swordtails, 2 mollys) and salt bathed them for close to 30 minutes while I did a large 50% water change. I didn't add the dwarf neon gourami, my 2 catfish or pleco to the salt bath. (I also had added 1.5 TBL of aquarium salt to the tank in hopes that it would help while not hurting the catfish or plants 1 of those evenings, but can't recall which night. But it was probably when Maui started flashing.)

Last night I came home and seen the two catfish laying around the top of the water (just under on my floating wood)! ahhh! I panicked and thought it might be the salt! So I took out those same previously salt bathed fish, and let them do another salt bath while I did a 50% water change (leaving the dwarf gourami, catfish, and my Columbian Zebra striped pleco in the tank). I did a thorough clean up while also removing some of the black gravel so I can slowly transition to sand only in this tank since I am really loving bottom dwellers/feeders more and more. Everyone was fine, except my pleco. He didn't make it this morning - I am SO heartbroken. I am sure I probably stressed this little guy to death. UGH! :'(

This morning, everyone seems fine for the most part. The catfish have always been pretty active. Sometimes they do the glass surfing I think it's called. But then they settle to the bottom or sides, but occasionally, they also sometimes stay near the top by the wood and floating plants. This has been their behavior since i got them so maybe they are still adjusting? I fed them bloodworms last night and it was awesome watching the catfish go for them! So cool. The catfish swimming around looking for the bloodworms has been one of the neatest things to watch.

I am so concerned about all of my fish and having ich or something else. I don't want to misdiagnose/treat them and create more undue stress than I have already done to them. I am especially worried for my catfish. Understanding how to treat fish, scaleless fish, planted aquarium, etc. is a bit confusing and overwhelming with so much info, and contradicting info out there). I'm seriously heartbroken over losing my pleco. I loved him and he was just starting to come out more when I got the catfish which was great to see. And then I killed him! I feel so awful and don't want to lose any more. Eventually I want to get another pleco, but I think I may do a pleco only dedicated tank at this point. :(

Side note: I plan on upgrading my tank to a 50g within the next year, but for now, this is what I have and everyone seems to be quite peaceful together. The dwarf gourami took a day to accept the honey, and then the lyretail took a couple days to accept her. but they all seem fine now. If anyone acts up, the mollys/dwarf will have to go. But for now, we are at peace!

In short:
- 2 new Raphael Catfish added to the tank without QT'ing *wrist slap*
- 3 new moss plants were also introduced for a day, then removed and are in QT. *wrist slap*
- Noticed the white spots on my catfish (can't be sure if they were like this when I got them or not, they are new to me and I havent been home much until now)
- 1 swordtail started flashing, with a new fish in the tank exhibiting new flashing behavior each day.
- Originally added a small amt of aquarium salt (roughly 1.5TBL to 36g tank)
- Daily salt baths for the flashing fish (1tsp per 1 gallon water is what I read)
- Last night, catfish were up near the top, assuming for Oxygen because of added salt?
- Did 50% water change last night and removed a few scoops of dark gravel so I can work towards an all sand substrate for my bottom dwellers.
- Probably stressed pleco to death. :( RIP.
- Panicking now to save my fish, especially the catfish
- Read heat is a good way to treat so I am at 81 degrees and holding.
- Decided to come ask for help before I do anything else!
- I do have a small QT tank setting up today. Was missing an air filter which arrives today then I should be able to have one up and running.
- 2nd tank, 10g for my betta and 2 allbino corys are fine
- I have an aquaclear50 in my main tank, as well as a sponge filter and air sponge one with bubbles, so 3 total. 1 heater. Live plants, wood, rocks (These were all disinfected and quarantined for a few weeks prior to creating this tank.)

Water parameters as of Wednesday, 11.27.24:
Tank size: 36g
tank age: =1.5 months
pH: 7.8ish
ammonia: 0
nitrite: 0
nitrate: 5ppm
kH: 3-4 drops
gH: 6 drops
tank temp: 79-80 F

Fish Symptoms (include full description including lesion, color, location, fish behavior): I have 2 lovely Striped Raphael Catfish that are exhibiting a lot of white spots and maybe some darker bumps?! Even their barbels (whiskers?) look like they have white spots on them. I believe this is parasite, but there is SO much info out there, I cannot be sure. Hard to tell what all they have on them.

Volume and Frequency of water changes: Every few days to clean up tank - about a 15% each time (sometimes up to 25%). Last night, 50% water change done.

Chemical Additives or Media in your tank: Seachem Prime, aquaclear 50 (3 filters - bio, carbon, sponge)

Tank inhabitants: 1 Dwarf Neon Gourami, 1 Honey Gourami, 2 Swordtails, 1 Platinum Lyretail Molly, 1 Dalmatian Molly, 2 Striped Raphael Catfish. All of these fish get along very well together.

Recent additions to your tank (living or decoration): my 2 catfish were new to the tank. I also added in 2 moss rings and a moss log but only rinsed them, I didn't disinfect or QT them *facepalm*. I removed the plants from the aquarium the same day, disinfected them and now they are in quarantine. I didn't have a good air filter for them for QT tank (fish yet), so I added them, regretfully now, to my main tank. VERY regrettable newbie mistake. :'(

Exposure to chemicals: I have only added Prime and the other day I added a 1.5 Tbl of Aquarium salt.

If I am doing constant water changes daily, should I check water parameters since its changing so much daily? Do I need to leave the tank alone for a few days to get a good feel for the water parameters?
The photos aren’t very clear, but I say your tank is infected with white spot.

I’d treat the entire tank with white spot medication, but follow the instructions to the letter and do not overdose. Or you can use heat treatment if all your fish are heat tolerance to 86F / 30C temperature.

I’d dilute the salt concentration and other meds in the tank by changing 70% of water.
I’d head to the store to pick up white spot medication and start the treatment today. I wouldn’t wait for online order to arrive. If I couldn’t get medication today, I’d do heat treatment at 86F / 30C, but do not mix heat with medication, you do one or the other.

Make sure you agitate the water to provide good aeration during the treatment period.

Good luck with the treatment.
Do a big water change (90%) and gravel clean the substrate before treating and every day until you start treatment. This will dilute the number of pathogens in the water. You should also clean the filter when you do the water changes.
Make sure any new water is free of chlorine/ chloramine before it's added to the tank.

Start treatment ASAP


You can treat white spot with chemical medications that contain Malachite Green (aka Victoria Green) or copper. Malachite Green is a carcinogen. Copper will kill snails and shrimp.

If you don't want to use chemical medications, raise the water temperature to 30C (86F) and keep it there for 2 weeks, or at least 1 week after all the white dots have gone.

As mentioned by TNG, don't use chemicals and heat because you will kill the fish. Just use one or the other.

Remove carbon from filters before using chemical medications.

Increase aeration when using chemicals or heat treatment.


White spot causes fish to rub on objects in the tank and the fish get small white dots on their body and fins. The dots look like salt sprinkled over the fish. In bad cases the parasite will damage fins and cause the fish to get covered in excess mucous (creamy white film) and kill the fish.

The following link has information about white spot and how to treat it. Post #1 and #16 are worth a read.

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