well this may be the last fish order until spring, we'll have to see what the weather is like in 2 weeks ( we're getting snow today, if that's any indication ) I have a couple more Denison barbs, to make my group a little bigger, in the tank the Tin Foils came from...
for the new barb tank, that the Tin Foils were transferred to…I have a small group of 4 inch Dawkinsia assimilis (Mascara Barbs)...
& a single 6 inch Acrossocheilus fasciatus (Red Fin Torpedo Barb)...
these will be in with my group of 5 - 8-10 inch Tin Foils…
& the new group of Crossocheilus reticulatus (Yellow Fin Spot Tail algae eaters)...
This was a pretty expensive order, with the bigger size of the fish coming ( to better fit in with the Tin Foils size ) I'd still like to get a couple of the long fin Green Dragon pleco's, but the tank was sanitized, so not much algae yet, they may have to wait until spring???