30 gallon office tank


Fish Fanatic
Aug 20, 2023
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Back after a long break, had to move and stuff. Now I'm working on my 30G office tank.

- Dennerle Deponit Mix 10 in 1 Black
- a "layer" of Tropica root tabs
- Dennerle Scaper's Soil


Hagen Aqua Clear HOB

- sponge
- Seachem Zeolite
- Seachem Purigen
- mix of ceramic balls and rings

Day 1 did the hardscape and planting (using Dennerle and Tropica in vitro plants):

Micranthemum Monte Carlo
Hygrophila Pinnatifida
Sagittaria Subulata
Echinodorus Grisebachii
Rotala Rotundifolia „Blood Red”
Rotala green
Alternanthera Reineckii Mini
Helanthium Bolivianum Quadricostatus
Staurogyne Repens
Aponogeton longiplumulosus
Anubias barteri nana
Bucephalandra spec Serimbu Brown
Vesicularia montagnei a.k.a. Christmas Moss
Nymphoides sp. Taiwan
Aponogeton madagascariensis
Nymphaea Lotus Zenkeri Red
Crinum calamistratum

Day 3 i added the cleaning crew:

11 Neocaridina Sakura Red
9 Ottocinclus
3 various Nerite Snails
3 Rabbit Snail

After 2 more days I added the 1st batch of fish

15 neon tetra

After 2 more days I added

10 Glowlight Tetra

And after 1 day I added

6 Corydoras Panda

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Progress on my fish tank.

Plants are growing well. I temporarily added an air stone to help improve the surface agitation untill all the plants mature.

No luck on my pinnatifida completely melted. I'll give it another try later this month. When I also plan to add a lagenandra meeboldii red and a bolbitis.

One Aponogeton is already growing very well, with the other one just having its first leaf. Same with the Nymphea Red. The Crinum right now seems to only develop its roots so I'll be patient.

The buce also has some melting but the rhizomes look healthy. If it will completely melt i'll replace it with some small anubias, maybe snow white.
No luck on my pinnatifida completely melted
I often had this happen when planted in the substrate. I decided to attach a stem onto a pebble and it did really well even sending off two runners. It's been the one plant I could never grow well. Which is a shame as it is a really nice-looking plant 😕
Buce melted, same with the crinum. On the other hand my tiny anubias are growing like crazy. never seen something like thise before. Each plant gets a new leaf every 2 or 3 days.
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Not happy with the growth of the Moonte Carlo (very leggy with few leaves) and the density of the dwarf saggitaria (very rare). Took them out. Moved the red lotus in the back and prepared the bottom for a carpet of S Repens (the "test patch" grows amazing). Went to the LFS to get some nerite and rabbit snails and some shrimp. They only had one horned nerite and 3 rabbit. And no shrimp :( But because they are amazing people they gifted me two gorgeous watter lettuce <3

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Added some more S Repens and some Rotala macrandra 'Japan'. And surprises continue to pop up. I thought that all except two of my shrimps died. I just found that i have a total of at least 7. How? From where? Why are them all kind of colours (yellow, orange, red)? I have no clue. (All my plants are in vitro).

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Got myself Hygrophila Odora , 1st time i see this plant and gave another try on the Hygrophila Pinnatifida. Wish me luck.

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I will after it's done. Still need to see how the hygrophilas are growing, same with the Macranda. I also need to add 3 more cups of S repens, one Pogostemon and 2 aponogeton. And maybe 1 or 2 Anubias.

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