A few random pictures from the past week or so

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Couple of new pictures:

These two pictures show how plants grow at ec 25 over 4 month period:

Another aquarium


500 when i set it up a year ago:

600 a month or so ago - for perspective you are looking through a 10 foot aquarium and seeing a 29 on the other side.

Just a couple - my largest male - bit of a bully; the auto light adjustment kind of washed the picture out - he is a bit darker with more intense red.

This lady bred again:

One of the mysteries for me is they clamp their tails when in breeding dress. The m. mirificus don't seem to do that.
Cool pics! What are the 2 cryptocorynes at the end of your first post please? I like your cichlids , of course, but I am a crypt collector. CO2 or no? Thanks in advance!
Cool pics! What are the 2 cryptocorynes at the end of your first post please? I like your cichlids , of course, but I am a crypt collector. CO2 or no? Thanks in advance!
If you are referring to post #3 the first one is known as nurii rosen pink line with a nurii luminous green next to it and the 2nd is just a plain nurii rosen maiden. I no longer inject co2; the aquariums are too large for me to deal with plants growing bonkers on co2. This is an old 40 i used to inject co2 a few years ago:
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You know I need IDs on both your cool fish & plants, LOL. I guess counting posts isn't my forte but I'm sure you knew the 1s I meant. Thank you for their IDs.

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