Planted 10 gallon update

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May 19, 2024
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I got a beautiful crown tail Betta for it I named him Helios
Also what is a good live food that I can grow at home for bettas


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He is lovely! As for live foods, flightless fruit flies and grindal worms are fairly easy to culture that bettas would enjoy! Mosquito larvae are good as well as a seasonal food, also could try daphnia but you'd do well with those by culturing green water to feed those, so it's more work for those than for others. But they're great
He is lovely! As for live foods, flightless fruit flies and grindal worms are fairly easy to culture that bettas would enjoy! Mosquito larvae are good as well as a seasonal food, also could try daphnia but you'd do well with those by culturing green water to feed those, so it's more work for those than for others. But they're great
Thanks I think I am going to try flightless fruit flies because that's the only one my lfs has
It's illegal to culture mosquitoes in most countries but if you have containers of water outside under a tree or in the garden, and a few leaves fall in them, you often get mozzie larvae in the containers. You should scoop the mozzie larvae out and feed them to the fish so they can't turn into adult mozzies and produce more larvae. If you get too many mozzie larvae, put them in icecube trays and freeze them.

Aphids are often found on roses and some other plants at various times of the year. You can put a plastic container under the branch with the aphids and gently tap the branch to knock the aphids into the container. They can be fed live or frozen for later use.

Small ants and ant eggs can be fed to fish.

Weevil larvae and weevil moths are sometimes found in flour or packets of rice and they can be fed to fish. The larvae are the better ones to feed and I used to keep a couple of 40 litre plastic rubbish bins that were half full of flour and I sieved them out each week.

The following link has information on culturing live foods like Daphnia and rotifers and both make good fish food. If you get freshwater rotifers, they and the Daphnia can live in the tank with the Betta and he will eat them whenever he's hungry. These make good food if you go on holiday for a few weeks because of this.

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