Bucket List Hillstream in stock at one of the suppliers I buy from... now if they are there for another week, so I can buy a couple...

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This one is a lot slimmer than the Lizards, but not really skinny… this tank gets Bacter AE tonight…
It found the Pagoda roof, and it and one of the lizards sharing a snack
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The darker one, and the photogenic one have found each other behind the stalks of bamboo, where I can’t get a picture ( and there is more algae back there ) m best shot at trying
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Well the classic colored photogenic fish I was able to post pictures of yesterday, I’ve already seen this morning, at 1st light, active and colorful… I’ve been trying to see the darker one better… is it actually a darker version, with the same pattern, or is it actually so, black that there isn’t a pattern, and if it is black, is it still a saddleback, or a different variety… with the exception of the hang on pots, this tank is pretty light, so not really any fish going dark, to blend in… there are so many loaches, and so many hiding spots, I often see a different new fish, that I haven’t seen for a long time, every day… I’ll keep trying to get a good picture of the darker one, so I have a better idea what it is… I’m a little disappointed, that I only got 1 out of the 3 I ordered, that looked like the fish I actually ordered…
Well, now that I’m up and about… the dark one is still grazing behind the bamboo stalks… I got a little better picture than last night, and when zoomed, I think I see a similar pattern, just lots darker… still waiting for a better photo opportunity, for a more complete identification
Well both of these fish are doing well, the dark one is still dark, and both have been hanging out in bad spots to take
pictures… this is tonight
Homaloptera are on my short (or is it fantasy?) list from my old Loaches.com days. I forget which species were THE 1. Confuzona maybe. I don't recall seeing your species back then...I think there were only 3 known at the time.

I would like to know all about your new fish. What do they eat? Repashy Soilent Green is a fav of my sewellia lineolata but they eat flake & pellets sometimes. & of course, graze the glass, etc. I don't heat their tank, so low 70's F most of the year. I had gastromyzon ctenocephalicthis (sp?) but they've died out.

Be still my heart! Where did you buy them? I think you said but I'm too excited to reread tonight.

Please keep us posted!
I’ve not seen it actively go after any specific “foods” but biofilms… I feed Bacter AE regularly to supplement the biofilm… it’s favorite spot in the tank, is on some stalks of lucky bamboo, that are actually in the bubble waterfall, along the back wall, but last night, I fed a mix of frozen brine shrimp and blood worms, and it moved to this pothos root, which may have captured some brine shrimp out of the highly moving water??? The darker one is more of a recluse sticking to a side wall, behind a bunch of emergent lucky bamboo… so I’m not even sure if it’s the same species, as I can’t get a good picture of it… there is plenty of biofilm on that side, and many of the other Hillstream’s go back there…

I put a link earlier in the thread, from aqua imports, where I got these two… they are listed from several of the sellers I buy from, but always out of stock…

I also have my heater set at 70, but summer here, took the tank up to 75, but now that the weather is starting to cool down, I expect it won’t be long, until the heater is needed to maintain 70 degrees again…
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The lighter colored one is my n the front glass this afternoon 2nd picture is both of them… the darker one just won’t come out and play


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TY for more pics. I have to say I'm a tiny bit worried about your dark 1. Maybe just some shipping stress? I dunno, eating biofilm is good.

Now I'll go back & read again
They were both in the front of the tank, when I came home this evening… I got the normal colored one, but the dark one saw me 1st, and dove back behind the bamboo, leaving one of the Panda Garra’s laughing at me..
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