Alien Betta and Tetras


Mar 14, 2022
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I have fallen in love with the look of those gorgeous alien bettas. It’s been many years since I have had a pet betta. When I did have one, the fish lived alone and its own small aquarium.

I have a 38 gallon aquarium now that has many nano fish in it. Roughly 10 to 15 each of ember tetra, neon tetra, and kubotai rasbora. There is also a few Coreys, the Siamese algae eater and three glass catfish. I wanted to add the short-finned (plakat?) alien betta to that tank.

There are floating plants on the still side of that aquarium. The Little Fish for the most part stay on the stronger flow side of the aquarium out in front of the filter outflow which is also close to the corner where I have the air stone. Like to hang out in the shady spots, but that still leaves a large section of the aquarium that most of the fish don’t use, and I figured that area with the floating plants is probably where the bed would hang out most of the time.

Do you have any thoughts on that idea?
Kubotais would likely to be lunch if the betta can catch them. Their mouths are often as large as a kubo's body.

I'd personally not recommend.

Plus, 38 gallons, you are already pushing your luck on the SAE being in it, those need 55g+ and a shoal.
Thank you, CassCats. I appreciate your info and feedback. The kubotai I roughly the same size as the neons and embers, but they are a lot faster than everything else in the aquarium. I doubt the betta could catch them. The other thing faster might be the Siamese algae eater.

I would disagree with SAEs needing a shoal, maybe as juveniles, but this adult is a few years old and they become more territorial. I’ve read that one adult could be fine in a 30 gal. I have one in my 38 gal w/nano fish and I also have one in my my 30 gallon with one large angelfish. When I had both of the SAE‘s together, they chased each other constantly and stressed out my other fishes that’s why I separated them.

The aquarium I would put the betta in has a colony of amphipods, so it will have plenty of natural hunting opportunities to distract from all of the showing nano fishes. The amphipods hang out in many areas, but one is amongst the Dwarf Water Lettuce as they eat the yellowing leaves and graze on the roots. I think that will gain attention from the betta.

😊 Can you tell that I’m trying to talk myself into bringing home the beautiful betta?
Go get your Betta .
I really do want to give it a shot. My backup plan would be to put my skittles shrimp into the tank with the nano fish and then use the little shrimp tank for the betta. I guess it is a mahachiensis betta, green alien. I have gone to look at it yesterday and today. This is a pic of the actual fish. It is called “large”, but it is much smaller than the betta I used to have years ago. It might get bigger though, I really don’t know.


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I've got an alien betta and they are absolutely stunning. Mine is so aggressive that I can't even put any shrimp with him but I know they are all different. Personally I would set up a species only tank for your little guy then you won't have any worries about conflict etc. They really do stand out in their own habitats I think.

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