Apistogramma cacatuoides double red fry!


Fish Fanatic
Jul 21, 2023
Reaction score
New jersey
Second success with breeding anything besides guppys. More than 40 fry from her
Holy Brine Shrimp Batman ! That’s quite the BBS hatchery you have there . Your fry will grow like weeds . I’ve always passed by the cacatuoides when I’ve seen them just cuz I figured them to be expert level dwarf cichlids . One of the only rarer dwarf cichlids I’ve ever seen in my backwater town but @Colin_T says no they aren’t and to try them . I might have to . I like yours .
Holy Brine Shrimp Batman ! That’s quite the BBS hatchery you have there . Your fry will grow like weeds . I’ve always passed by the cacatuoides when I’ve seen them just cuz I figured them to be expert level dwarf cichlids . One of the only rarer dwarf cichlids I’ve ever seen in my backwater town but @Colin_T says no they aren’t and to try them . I might have to . I like yours .
Keeping then isn't hard. I had no success breeding until I bought and RODI system and starting buffering for specific PH. My tap water is liquid metal and high PH. And comes out the tap with 2ppm of amonia
Holy Brine Shrimp Batman ! That’s quite the BBS hatchery you have there . Your fry will grow like weeds . I’ve always passed by the cacatuoides when I’ve seen them just cuz I figured them to be expert level dwarf cichlids . One of the only rarer dwarf cichlids I’ve ever seen in my backwater town but @Colin_T says no they aren’t and to try them . I might have to . I like yours .
Also that isn't her normal colors. She's yellow like that because she's breeding. Normally she was more of a pale beige
Keeping then isn't hard. I had no success breeding until I bought and RODI system and starting buffering for specific PH. My tap water is liquid metal and high PH. And comes out the tap with 2ppm of amonia
Well then . . . seeing as how I already have my own R/O unit and use it for my soft water fish then I’m halfway there . My mind is churning right now .
@Magnos those are really cool and I see them on Dan’s Fish website all the time . If it wasn’t for the super high shipping I might be tempted but I can almost always find regular Apistogramma cacautoides right here in a nice LFS I have just a half hour away . Do you have those too ?

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