Hey Everyone!


Oct 5, 2021
Reaction score
Atlanta, GA, USA
Hey everybody- been awhile since I've been on the forum. I have missed it! I went crazy with videos for a while. My wife got tired of me telling her about my fish tanks, so she suggested I start posting videos on a forum (won't name it but will link below- I don't want to detract from this forum) and talk to the videos about fish.

I took her up on it thinking I'd just do one for laughs. ....about 220 videos later I'm still doing it LOL. It is fun, HOWEVER, the knowledge, in depth discussions and comradery here is much more rewarding, so I'm back. I know, you're thinking, (who is this guy and what does he mean he's back? Was he ever here?) LOL I'm not much, y'all, but I'm all I think about....

Anyway, I am looking forward to diving into your posts and watching your builds, etc. Just skimmed through one for a paludarium that looks really nice- lots of DYI going on with that one.

I've added pics of my tanks below. I have managed to set up 5 at this point- 2 of them were supposed to be quarantine tanks, but accidentally turned into "regular" tanks :D:D:D. I do have a quarantine tank for real, now, though. That's something I never did until I lost a ton of rummynose tetra. It took me a while to realize that it's not just to make sure they don't have disease- it's to make sure they aren't exposed to stuff that can make them sick when they're stressed but don't normally bother a fish. That part is more important to me- or has seemed to have the most impact.

Anyway, I digress. I'm very happy to start hanging with y'all again and look forward to catching up on what's going on.

My 75 gallon has various tetra, angelfish (down to 3 from 12- some I sold, some I had a crazy die-off), kribensis, corydoras, 1 spotted raphael (haven't seen him in 2 months, though LOL), black mollies, 1 misfit sword tail, hatchet fish (aggressively filtered and water change twice per week- heavily planted and have house plants growing out the top)

15 gallon has cherry shrimp, bamboo shrimp, Mexican dwarf crawdads, sunshine tetra & black bar endlers

29 gallon has zebra danio, sword tail, kuhli loaches, celstial pearl danio, flame tetra, cherry barbs (same as my 75 in terms of plants & filtering- helps with the nitrates)

10 gallon - 15 green fire tetra- trying to breed them.....have tried a couple of methods...working on another...

5 gallon - cockatoo apistos, black bar endlers, flame tetra (same- change water twice per week and aggressively filter). I don't want to keep most of these here, but have some work to do to move them

See the pics below. If you're so inclined, you can see my videos here.





Hey @MuddyWaters
You have some great looking tanks there. Hope you enter the Tank of the Month contests.
Coming up:
September… 16 gal and smaller
October 17 to 30 gallons
November 31 gallon and larger
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I took a little break too but nobody can ever get The Great TFF Forum out of their system . A guy gets busy doing other things and that’s just life but TFF is something special . We’re still small and more of a community than the gargantuan social media outfits . There’s more of a personal element here that the big boys will never have . Okay then , the stump speech being out of the way , get busy telling us about your fish and aquariums . True , a picture - or in this case a video - is worth a thousand words but a good caption helps a guy see what you want us to see .

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