Fish still pooing white 2 days after callamanus worm treatment.


New Member
Dec 31, 2023
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Salisbury, UK
Hello, recently I added eSHa ndx to get rid of suspected callamanus worms in my fish tank. Around a week ago I saw small red strands coming out of the fish’s anuses and suspected callamanus worms. Is there any thing else this could have been as the fish is still pooping white after 2 days since having the treatment. It also seems to be acting a little slower than the other fish in the video linked.


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It takes time.
Plus Camallanus bite into the intestinal walls, and as the meds make them release, fish will often die of secondary infections at the point of attachment from the nematode.
You'll need to follow instructions and redose the med in a short time, as once the worms hang out, it's to lay eggs all through the tank. If you take your foot off the gas too soon, they'll be back.
It's not a happy guppy. It could have other issues besides intestinal thread worms. Tapeworm will cause stringy white poop, as does an internal bacterial or protozoan infection.

If the fish is still eating, that's a good sign and hopefully it will survive. If it has stopped eating, it might be on its way out.

  1. Make sure you treat the tank for the right amount of water.
  2. Do a 75-80% water change and gravel clean 24-48 hours after treatment. Clean the filter too.
  3. Make sure there's no carbon in the filter because it will remove the medication.
  4. Treat all your tanks at the same time so you don't cross contaminate the tank after treatment.

To work out the volume of water in the tank:
measure length x width x height in cm.
divide by 1000.
= volume in litres.

When you measure the height, measure from the top of the substrate to the top of the water level.

If you have big rocks or driftwood in the tank, remove these before measuring the height of the water level so you get a more accurate water volume.

You can use a permanent marker to draw a line on the tank at the water level and put down how many litres are in the tank at that level.

There is a calculator/ converter in the " Calculator" under "Useful Links" on the right side of this page that will let you convert litres to gallons if you need it.
It says to dose again in 2 weeks. Is it ok to wait that long?
Treat the tank once a week for 3-4 weeks to kill any baby worms that hatch from eggs. The eggs are unaffected by the medication.

Section 3 of the following link has info on treating worms in fish. Section 1 and 2 cover internal bacteria and protozoa causing stringy white poop.

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