Going on holiday soon, fish pooping white.

API General Cure contains metronidazole which is prescription only in the UK. Amazon does not sell it here and while it is listed on eBay it's all imports from US sellers. Strictly speaking, it could be impounded by customs if you import it.
I am going for 2 weeks but I have somebody going in to feed. I ordered some eSHa ndx which will arrive for them to add.

Read the instructions before having them add it, since you need to time when to do water changes
I am going for 2 weeks but I have somebody going in to feed. I ordered some eSHa ndx which will arrive for them to add.
Make sure you trust this person to follow precise directions. I have heard far too many horror stories from people who have tasked others with simply feeding their fish, let alone medicating them. If you must have your sitter dose the medication, make sure they understand the importance of correct timing and measuring.

If it were me, I might even go so far as to measure out the medication doses ahead of time—put the correct doses into little covered glass bowls for the sitter to pour into the water, no measuring required, along with a clearly written schedule posted by the tank. Perhaps I'm just paranoid, but like I said, far too many horror stories...
Ditto that big time. Definitely measure out the medication yourself. And make sure your helper does not leave room lights on 24/7 when they leave your house. And, of course, have aquarium lights on a timer. I also measured out food when I used to leave feeding to a helper in my absence. Leave nothing to chance. I hope your helpers are better than mine were. Now when I go away for a week, I just don’t feed my fish. They do just fine. Of course it is different for you since your fish need medication.
eSHa medication is liquid rather than powder which makes it a bit more tricky leaving a dose out for someone to use. Their meds come in bottles with a squeezy dropper in the lid to measure the dose. If the drops were measured into a cup, the fish sitter would need to rinse the cup in the tank to make sure the full dose made it into the water. Not impossible, just not as easy as powder. eSHa.jpg

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