$40 - 50 gal.


Fish Herder
Apr 1, 2004
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Hi there ... well i just picked up my newest tank( still not done setting up my 70 -_-). A guy who works in the same office as me told me that his dad was selling a tank for cheap... I didn't really want another small tank, but he said it was "big". So i went over with him after work .....I think its a 50 gal tall. I really dont like tall tanks...but he said $40 with everything...so i took it ( pay day :p ). Here it is....


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Now my question...and im sure to some of you this is going to sound dumb....but i have no idea what this is :crazy: .....Some help would be much appreciated ;)


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And this is the stuff that came with it....I Like the bog-wood...but the filter is garbage...and the heater looks old so im going to replace it...and the castle isnt my style :hey:


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Ohh, I'm sure that's going to look great once you're done with it! :)

Have no clue what that contraption is. Could it be something to monitor or adjust/set the pH? Or perhaps something CO2 related? *shrug*
Looks like a vintage air pump to me, complete with attatched airstone. The dial is to change the amount of bubbles.
sir minion's rite on the money that looks just like an old air pump, plug her bet she stioll works :D
Hope you dont plan on having real plants cause you're going to need especially extra lighting for that depth.
I have real plants in mine they do fine..
Looks like the same height and width.
yea that old school air pump looks hilarious.. i bet it does still work -_-

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