ADF not eating


Fish Addict
Jun 7, 2023
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Not a tropical fish emergency but amphibian emergency. One of my ADF's has stopped eating and is refusing food. I know a couple of people on here also keep these little guys so hoping someone can help.

He/she looks well in all other respects, no skin discolouration or injuries that I can see. Last ate 4 days ago, I fed some bloodworms. Some of the worms were bigger than normal so not sure if he's just very full up but I have 4 others and they're eating.

Normal feed schedule is 3 days on 1 day off with a rotation of frozen bloodworms, brine shrimp and daphnia. Last water change on Saturday, pH 7, 100% RO water used, haven't got exact gH and kH to hand but on the soft side (2 drops of the API test to get the required results if that makes sense).

He's started spending more time floating at the top which I know isn't a good sign but I can't figure out what's wrong. Have attached some images, was trying not to disturb the frog so they're not the best.


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Update - didn't see the frog for two days since I posted this, however I've just found him and he has dropsy so will need to euthanise him unfortunately. I think it's the same one, if it's actually a different frog then I may have a bigger problem in the tank :( not sure if it's just me but these little guys aren't as hardy as they used to be.
How old is he?
Not sure how old, he was fully grown when I got him and nice and chunky so I was hoping he would do well. I'd only actually had him for 2 months, I got 3 at the same time and already had 2 that I got last year.

I had to euthanise him earlier as he couldn't stay upright even in a shallow tub.

My previous ADF's did so well but I've lost a few from the last couple of batches I've bought. Perhaps it's the supplier, who knows.
Not sure how old, he was fully grown when I got him and nice and chunky so I was hoping he would do well. I'd only actually had him for 2 months, I got 3 at the same time and already had 2 that I got last year.

I had to euthanise him earlier as he couldn't stay upright even in a shallow tub.

My previous ADF's did so well but I've lost a few from the last couple of batches I've bought. Perhaps it's the supplier, who knows.
Sorry to hear about your loss. I have had my pair of frogs for about 18 months. Luckily they have been healthy so I have no experience with frog illness. I wish I could’ve helped you.
Sorry to hear about your loss. I have had my pair of frogs for about 18 months. Luckily they have been healthy so I have no experience with frog illness. I wish I could’ve helped you.
Yeah it's a strange one, my previous trio lived between 5 and 7 years, the place I got them from closed the week after I bought them though so no chance of going back there. I will monitor the rest and don't think I will get any more :( much as I love them!

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