No Giant Danio Fry

10 Tanks

Fish Herder
Apr 11, 2022
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Hello again TFF. This seems to be my day for questions. So, here's another: I've had 18 Giant Danios in a 55 gallon tank for roughly 8 months. The water temperature is 72 degrees and constant, the same as the house temp. I change half the tank water every six to seven days and feed a variety of flaked and freeze dried foods three times weekly. So, I'm asking you all, why am I not seeing any eggs or fry? Apparently, the water conditions aren't right for reproduction. Here's a photo of the fish just for the sake of seeing what they look like..



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They need variation in temperatures to come into breeding season.

They need lots of food (feed 3-5 times a day) and frozen and live food as well as dry food. If they don't get enough food, they eat any eggs or babies that appear in the tank.

You need to separate males and females for a week if you want to breed them and put a pair in their own breeding tank otherwise everyone else eats the eggs when they are laid.

They prefer soft water when breeding. What is the GH, KH & pH of the water?

More tips in the link below.
Hello Colin. Thanks for the detailed information. I think I'll just keep things as they are for the present. I think 18 in 55 gallons of water is about right for now.

I have no experience with the Giant Danio but I would think that they are similar in breeding habits to their smaller relative the Zebra Danio . Fatten them up and put them in a shallow breeder aquarium at dawn and wait for the love .
Hello again. The information on this fish is interesting. I've had a dozen Buenos Aires Tetras in a similar sized tank and for roughly the same amount of time as the Danio tank. Just recently, the Tetras started to reproduce. I've had four new Tetras in the last few weeks. You would think in a reasonably well plated tank, that some eggs would survive and develop.

The body shape of the fish screams current. They are runners. If the temperature fluctuated, you'd get some fry, but they are fast cannibals. If there are no other species in the tank, you might get young, but 18 adults is, as Colin said, a problem. They'll follow each other eating falling eggs.

It's counter-intuitive, but 6 adults in a tank like that with water flow might get you young. But 18 is the neighbours showing up at your barbecue, forks in hand.
The body shape of the fish screams current. They are runners. If the temperature fluctuated, you'd get some fry, but they are fast cannibals. If there are no other species in the tank, you might get young, but 18 adults is, as Colin said, a problem. They'll follow each other eating falling eggs.

It's counter-intuitive, but 6 adults in a tank like that with water flow might get you young. But 18 is the neighbours showing up at your barbecue, forks in hand.
You come up with some ripper comments. :)
What is the GH and pH
Good morning. I haven't tested tank water in many months. I can tell you the pH is near neutral. But, I think I'll leave things alone. I really don't need more fish to contribute to the waste material in the tank.

I bought a few long fin zebra danios a while back and put them in an outdoor 40 gallon pond. They reproduced but only had a couple fry. Had to move them in during winter and they been indoor aquarium fish since. Not seen them breed since then.
Hello Ram. How have you been during all your storms? We have close friends in Conroe and they've lost a couple of trees in all the high winds. Hope you've been able to brave the weather.

Hello Ram. How have you been during all your storms? We have close friends in Conroe and they've lost a couple of trees in all the high winds. Hope you've been able to brave the weather.

Hey! We lost power on Thursday and it was restored on Saturday morning. I ran a geneator to keep the fridges/freezers and fish tank airation running. We also have small portable a/c unit and ran that at night. It was cool outside so wasn't that bad. Could have been worse, we lost power back in hurricane Ike for like 3 weeks.

Some are still without power but not too many, and today is 92 degrees outside right now.

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